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                     Ethan's pov

  I can't stop thinking about her, I want to be with her and be talking to her all the time, that's why I hate her.

~ the night before ~

Text message~
Yo, you trying to get lit tonight

Ofc. What we doing tonight bro

There's a party at some rich kids house if your Down

Hell yeah will you pick me up?

Sure I'll be there by like 8


Okay it's 6 so I got 2 hours. I put on black skinnies and what ever t-shirt I found that wasn't dirty. I really need to do my laundry, where's Fiona? She's the one that does all of the laundry. I walk down stairs and Debbie is on the couch with Liam and Fiona is making dinner "are you hungry" she says going around the kitchen grabbing items for her dish "nah Ima head out soon"
"Okay have fun"
~2 hours later~

I'm here

My phone buzzed I walk out and get into the car "sup man"
"Ay yo you ready to get yurnt"
"Hell yeah lets do it" he drives away the tires screech.
"Yo lemme get the aux" I say
"Man you betta not put on no lame ass shit"
"Of course not famm" I put On G-Eazy I mean it
"If I ever said I'm never scared, just know, I mean it. If I ever said I fucked your bitch, just know, I mean it. If I ever said I'm gettin money, just know, I mean it." I rapped
"Nice" my friend approved
"I know bruh" after a few more songs we were finally at the party it looked bumpin the house was fat and you could see the strobe lights going crazy from out here I wonder if she would've like this kind of thing. OKAY GET HER OUT OF YOUR MIND ITS TIME TO GET SOME BITCHES.

About 5 beers and three shots later it's about 1:30 am and I'm dancing with this girl she has a booty that's a 6 but her face is like a 4 but to be so honest I'm to drunk to care about her face. The song ends and she walks me over to The couch and we start making out then when things start getting pretty hot y/n pops into my head. Oh fuck.

I stop kissing this girl whose name I don't even know to be honest. Im sure she told me but I was to drunk to remember or even care really.
"What's wrong" she asked wiping her mouth of spit
"Nothing, I'll be back" lies. I wouldn't be back nor was there nothing wrong. I walked outside for some fresh air.

Why was this girl always on my mind. The girl that stole my pencil and didn't trust me enough to let me know where she lives and was too stubborn to give me her number, the girl with the pretty eyes and the beautiful smile- shit Ethan when did you turn into such a pussy. Oh yeah yesterday when she tapped your shoulder. Oh fuck.

I walk back inside and the girl I was dancing with earlier was grinding on someone else now. I walk through the crowd trying to locate my friend Daniel, when I find him his sandwiched between two girls and they're dancing.
"Ay man lets go this party's getting whack"

"What the hell are you talking about man this party's hella lit, do you not see this" he said referring to the two girls he's with,
"Aight man give me like thirty minutes"
I left to get another drink and look for weed. After an hour and a half I can't find Daniel any where so I decide to walk home.

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