From the other side of the screen... (imagine.) Prt.1

Start from the beginning

now its time to get back to work.

i get on my computer and go through steam to find new games to play  i found my two games downloaded them an did my videos on them. now to go to twitter!i go through my feed and see the same video link popping up. i guess i was meant to watch this video. so i mine as well make avideo out of it. i turn on my tripod and other stuff and click on the link which took me to a youtube video.

i began to record.

"hello everybody my name is markiplier and i know this is another video usually there are just two videos a day well i saw this video link pop up in my twitter feed constantly so i took it that i am meant to watch it. so hear goes nothing."


"Hi guys my name is (y/n) and um today is Markiplier's birthday so i thought since i cant exactly give him a present Id give him a video. So im gonna sing 'The other side of the by emily scholz a song created to celebrate one of markiplier's milestones i dont remember to well. soooo here goes nothing...I've been here day in, day out

Never spoken out loud
What I never knew
Is that you would be here too
So I took my short steps
And I breathed my deep breaths
I did it cuz of you
Cuz you would see me through
Did I make it that I love you
From the other side of the screen?
Did I try enough to convince you
Of what I really mean?
But now I see
You all are here for me
How did things turn out this way?
I'm living my dream each day.

what I can
And learning who I am
And now I look around me
And friends are all that I see
And everywhere I go
I hope that my heart shows
Did I say enough that I love you
From the other side of the screen?
Do I seem sincere when I thank you?
Cause I mean just what I mean

But now I see
You all are here
And now I see
You all are really here, yeah
And now I see
You all are here with me
I've been here day in, day out
Said I love you out loud
What I never knew
Is that you would be here, too...

as she sung there displayed the words in fancy and beautiful word art and in the end there was a hand drawn picture of me with tiny box tim in my hand.

"happy birthday markiplier i hope you have an awesome birthday i know this is pretty much nothing but i didnt know what else to do buh-bye."

End of video.

i was tearing up a bit.

"that was something never say something like that that was beautiful i appreciate it very much (y/n.) that was so sweet of you to make a video for me you didnt jave to anythings someone does by choice is a gift. so thank you very much! you have a really beautiful voice and you are an excellent drawer or artist, either way the words art you drew and the picture of me and tim was beautiful i really wish you could send it to me so i could hang it up on my wall!oh my gosh thank you (y/n) i hope that i hav emet you or that i meet you one day so that i can give you a big hug! i love the message behind the song it really describes how i feel about you guys and i am really grateful for every single on eof you because without you i wouldnt be where i am now and i will never forget that!now before i start ranting im gonna end the video thank you so much for watching and as always i will see you in the next video..Buh-Bye!!" 

there was no need to edit this so i just uploaded it to youtube and went to bed.

Your pov:

I woke up still in my clothes from yesterday. ug i hate working at a freaking gas station but it gets the bills paid. thats all that matters in the end.

i check my phone.

i sigh in relief and smile.

Its friday i can finally relax. this has been the longest week of my entire life.

 My Markibaby (Markiplier X Reader) Imagines And Lemon (COMPLETED!!)Where stories live. Discover now