Im Scott's daughter.#5 finale

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Previously on im Scott's daughter:Mark then moved a strand of hair from my face.staring deep into my eyes he glared at my lips and leaned in so did i soon our lips connected i felt the fireworks the sparks fly it was beautiful.i wrapped my hands around his neck and wrapped his around my waist we stood there for a minute until we pulled away for air.

When i looked at him i blush.

Authors pov:
'Wow..that was amazing.' They both thought at the same time.
They both blushed at the actions that took place just a few seconds ago.
"Ill um talk to you later." Mark said.
"Yea later." (Y/n) said.
"Bye." Mark said
Soon (y/n) went into her house blushing smiling dancing around her house while getting ready for bed. Thinking about the kiss.

Your pov:
I woke up with a bright smile on my face i got up and opened the curtains like some cliche fantasized movie chick. And took a deep breath.
today was a beautiful day the sun was shining,the birds were chirping. everything felt right in the world.i got in the shower and turned on pandora and i danced around in the shower let my hair down.and put on some jeans a red sweater vans and a few accessories. (Let the media be your guide child. XD) i decided today was a good day to just walk and take in natures beauty. Just before i waked out mark was at my door.

"Hey" i said smiling bright.

Marks pov:
I woke up and smiled bright.
I took chica out in the backyard to do her was a beautiful day the the sun was shining,the birds were chirping all felt right in the world. After i took chica  outside i jumped into the shower and hummed 'something stupid'  why you ask?because i had the most amazing dream. (Y/n) and i sung that song together and we ended up kissing and we really confessed our feelings for each other best dream ever. After i got out the shower i put on the casual jeans,tshirt and vans. I went downstairs and cooked breakfast and humming sweet and silly little love songs as i went,
Matt and ryan came down.they looked really confused.

"Whats all this about?" Ryan asked sitting down at the table.

"Mmm nothing just felt like cooking today." I replied still humming.

"Dude did you get layed or something?" Matt asked.

"No no its just that today just seems a lot brighter than others wouldn't you say?"

"Mark we live in la the sun is always shining and its always 86* or higher." Matt replied.

"Oh well no matter,here you go" i said sitting there plates in front of them. "Enjoy,you know what today we should do a video outside better yet we should invite team edge over and (y/n) thatd be cool right?" I asked rambling.

"Uh yea i guess we could probably do that." Ryan said awkwardly.

"Great!after breakfast you can give the guys a call i will go over to (y/n) and give her a plate ." I said getting a plate i made for (y/n) and heading toward the door.i went to her house and knocked on her door my heart on my sleeve.ready to make the move. She opened the door.

"Hey!" She replied happily with her beautiful smile.

"Good morning, you look nice today.its not that you dont look nice all the time. You do look beautiful all the time and what youre wearing looks beautiful.not saying your close look ugly they look beautiful like you an-" my rambling was interrupted by (y/n)'s soft lips resting against mine. She wrapped her hands around my neck we stood there for a few seconds and then pulled away. We stared at each other in the eyes and giggled.

"So what brings you over mark?" She asked still smiling.

"I um brought you breakfast." I said gesturing the plate towards her. She gently takes it out of my hands.

"Oh mark thank you so much this is so sweet come inside." She said.
I stepped inside she put the plate on the table.

"I have a very important question for you."


"I know weve only known each other a little bit over a month but ever since we did the duet at the panel ive just felt connected to you and i wanted to know will you be my Girliplier?" I asked nervously.

She squealed and jumped into my arms."yes!!" She exclaimed.

I smiled as well. I place her down and give her a loving kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you to mark." She said with a smile.

"So whatd you make for breakfast it smells delightful?" She asked.

"Just take a look for yourself." She unwrapped her plate reveal a heart shaped pancake with berries around it with chocolate chips that spelled out the words  'i love you.'

"Aww mark." She said she wrapped her arms around my neck giving me a hug and i hugged back.

'I knew the day seemed a bit brighter.'

 My Markibaby (Markiplier X Reader) Imagines And Lemon (COMPLETED!!)Where stories live. Discover now