Not a happy chica pica.

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A/n:percentage of this imagine is in in chica's pov because well chica recently got sprayed and i was like if i were chica id also be pissed off at mark.your pov will come in later in the story. so yea here goes nothing!!

Chica's pov :
Just got out of the vet...and im not happy!!!
He had me sprayed!!are you fucking kidding me i was fine before!!
Anyways...i just got home from the vet.
Dad begins to record.
'Are you serious?!'

"Ok so i just got chica from the vet." Dad points the camera at me.


"Shes not happy with me." Dad says trying not to laugh.

'You bet your ass im not! get that damn camera out of my face youre getting my bad side!wait all of my sides are bad because of this damn cone!!'

"Shes just really not having a good time shes also really high off of pain killers as far as im told."

'No shit i swear i saw a cat run across the room but i cant move my paws.'

"Shes just the sweetest puppy wuppy and shes not having a good time right now i feel so bad chica its ok." He said in a fake crying voice while rubbing my back.

'Yea yea go ahead fake your tears you can kiss my furry butt!!!'

"It alright."

"Its alright?its alright?!i have a fucking cone on my head!!!and im seeing shit!!its not alright!!'

"Shes been bogging around with that cone on her head but shes generally ok."

'Yea im just fine yknow im being embarrassed,youre recording one of the most humiliating moments for me.i have a cone on y head i just seen a squirrel but once again i cant move gah!!'

He keeps saying its ok and lightly rubbing my. I wag my tail a bit. Though im still pissed off.

"Shes soo mad at me." He said pouting.

'Yep i am.'

"You guys might not be able to tell but i know shes mad at me."

'Yes im mad!!'

"How could you take me to that horrible place where the doctors cut me open?" Dad said making a kissy face at me.

'If i werent so high off of painkillers and i didnt feel like im walking on clouds trust me i would have pawed your face right then.'

~~a few moments later.~~
Dad tries to get me to move to go outside im just like.
So guess what he does?

"I feel incredibly bad for chica she keeps moving about five feet and stopping."

'I am i feel like im still walking.'

He continues to try and encourage me to move but i just cant.

~time skip.~~
"She will never trust me again."

'Nope i wont,ill also piss on the sofa when all this is over so yea paybacks a bitch,'soon dad tries to get me to come upstairs.

'Meh carry me!!'

"Come on chica bica come on wanna go to the doggy bed?!" He said in a baby voice.
I refuse to move.
He takes out the camera again.

"I have given up on trying to get chica outside cause she just wont move but im trying to get her upstairs to her doggy bed in my room because thats where i can look after her"

 My Markibaby (Markiplier X Reader) Imagines And Lemon (COMPLETED!!)Where stories live. Discover now