"Exactly." Bryana confirmed, nodding and finishing her lunch. She then got up to clean up the kitchen, keeping an eye on Ashton unnoticed, always worrying a little whenever he got silent and thought. Not that it was a bad thing, because usually it helped Ashton and sometimes it made good ideas, but sometimes it could mean Ashton was overthinking and when he did that too much, well, one simple word could describe it pretty well: panic.

So that's why Bryana of course kept an eye on him. Just to make sure he didn't overthink or too much, which was noticable by his facial expressions. He always made the same face whenever he overthought things to a negative extent.

"I should call Daniel."

Bryana watched her boyfriend walk off quickly, shaking her head a little to herself.

"Why is he calling Daniel?"

The woman jumped a little, glaring at the dark haired boy. He was always silent with appearing. "Why do you always appear out of nowhere?"

"I don't." Calum looked at her, seeming somewhat confused. Though honestly, he knew he was quiet and he used it to his advantage. Hence why he was the one climbing a tree while not scaring the animal they were hunting.

Bryana sighed quietly, walking past Calum and patting his shoulder. "Keep on being innocent."

Calum ignored her comment, waiting for her to disappear into her and Ashton's room before he used his quietness to his advantage and walked to the back door, eavesdropping on Ashton's phone call.

"...so you have time?"

Calum furrowed his eyebrows, leaning a little closer to the door to peek out of the glass. Ashton was standing on the porch quite calmly, his back facing the house and phone pressed to his ear.

"Good, thanks mate. See you."

The dark haired male hid himself in the corner, listening for any sounds. There was a bit of shuffling, before he heard Ashton sigh, then mumble: "Why Luke."

The words confused Calum, making him ask himself many questions. What was up with Luke? And why was it bad that something happened to him? And why did Ashton need to call Daniel for it?


Said person's eyes snapped up, widening a little as they met a pair of hazel ones. There goes the idea of 'eavesdrop and get out'.


Ashton crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, giving the dark haired person a hard stare. Calum gulped, looking anywhere but Ashton, before realising how suspicious that looked and looking back at the Alpha.

"Were you eavesdropping?"

Calum kept a straight face, trying not to do anything stupid. "No."

Ashton simply raised his one eyebrow higher, pursing his lips. Calum's breath hitched, though he tried not to show it, before giving up as Ashton stare was freaking him out. He sighed, looking down shamefully. "I was."


"I was curious." The Beta mumbled, looking up at the Alpha guiltily. Whenever he was alone with Ashton, he always felt so weak and fragile. Maybe it was because he was the Alpha, or because he knew Ashton knew the real him and they could handle the other pretty well.

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