He turned around and left the room ,Manum went to the window to see him leaving,he got into the car ,Waleed got into the car on front seat with driver and Zayaan at the back. The car roared to life and Manum stood there teary eyed looking at the man she loves leaving without giving her a second glance.

After that everyone came into her room to call her downstairs for dinner but she kept on crying and didn't listened to anybody. Anumta sighed walking into her room and sat on the bed beside her , she soothed her hair

"Manum,I know it wasn't right that he shouted at you, but child I know him there must a good reason if he is prohibiting you to study and if he is promising you that he will let you study in the future then he will.. I assure you. I think its in your best interest not to antagonize him more honey. Zayaan is a man of his word he'll keep his promises. Just give him some time." Anumta wiped her tears and got up from the bed, Manum didn't said anything ,she kept looking at her hands silently.

"Hmm lets have a girls night " Anumta smiled brightly

Manum gave her a weird look

"Oh c'mon I know I am not a girl but still who said I couldn't enjoy"

"Off course you can enjoy Anumta " Manum smiled gently at her

"But what are you planning" Manum asked

"Why don't we call her, ..uhh..what was her name. Adeel's sister ..umm.."

"Uzma " Manum said smiling again

"Yes..yes pretty girl she is, why don't we call her to stay for the night, I'll take permission from Adeel" Anumta smiled brightly

"Sure" Manum remembered the memories with her and her lips curved up in a beautiful smile

"Yeah..i think we should call her for a few days ,she became a very good friend "

"Ok.,I'll talk to Adeel" Anumta said walking out of her room .Manum waited for Zayaan to call her but he didn't.

At night Uzma came with her bag full of her stuff.

They embraced each other and the three women sat down in Manum's room excitedly talking

"Hey I brought some stuff. I heard you had a fight with the lover boy so I brought nutella, some ice cream, Doritos, and hey roasted peanuts.." Uzma said taking the stuff out of the bag

"Aww thank you Uzma, you are such a darling..I love nutella and ice cream and roasted peanuts and ..." Manum started telling Uzma and Anumta about her food interest when Anumta said

"How about we order a pizza too"

Manum and Uzma's eyes twinkled brightly and they nodded in agreement.

They changed, and sat on the bed with all the food stuff, pizza was yet to arrive. They were eating and talking and enjoying themselves

"Hey tomorrow we'll have a manicure all three of us" Manum said showing her teeth to both of them

"Yayy...I am here for like four days, so we'll have so much fun" Uzma replied and Anumta nodded happily

A knock to the door interrupted their conversation and Anumta opened the door. Asfandyar was standing there with the box of pizza ,he entered Manum's room greeting Anumta

"Hey honey " he said and kissed Anumta's cheek

"Hello Asfand my child..thank you for bringing the pizza, did you pay for it" Anumta asked politely

"Oh yes off course" Asfandyar replied walking into the room and stopped in his tracks when his eyes landed on Uzma

"Mamma mia Koala bear is here" his eyes twinkled as he took in her presence and a sweet feeling filled his chest

Manum (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now