Chapter 6

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Please don't forget to VOTE,READ,RECOMMEND,COMMENT AND SHARE.One more thing guys i've changed the cast a little. Now Sarwat Gilani Mirza is our Manum. I thought she was more suitable for the character.But if you think that Aiza is more suitable for the character.Please let me know.

without further ado ...chapter 6


much love

Hareem :)

P.S  Its a lonnngg chapter :D

After breakfast Manum was sitting with dada and Zayaan in Zayaan's office. Hadeed and ASfandyar were there too having a good time with dada. Dada seriously questioned the hell out of Zayaan. He was beyond annoyed with the topic of his marriage and him committing a serious sin not inviting dada.

"I told you I am sorry ,will you please drop it" Zayaan gave him a tired look.

"How can I drop it, don't give me that look young man ,Its your fault..." He said crossing his arms on his chest and Zayaan again rolled his eyes.

Dada turned to Manum who was playing with her fingers.

"So Manum how is my grandson treating you ".He asked casually

Hadeed choked on water he was drinking , Asfandyar patted his back chuckling earning a glare from Zayaan.

Zayaan looked silently at Manum with a warning look .Manum ignored him completely and sat straight looking at dada

"Really bad Dada. He fights with me, shouts at me ,kidnapped me, married me against my will, threaten to kill my parents and he even pointed a gun at my head". She replied smiling at Zayaan

Asfandyar ,Hadeed and Zayaan had a shocked look on their face and Dada gave Zayaan a hard glare.

"Is this true Zayaan"???? He asked seriously . "I mean I know the whole kidnapping thing and all I've watched it on the news but seriously you pointed a gun at her head!!!!!!!. She is a girl Zayaan. Have you lost your mind, we don't treat women like that". Dada shouted

Zayaan ran a hand through this hair looking at Manum giving her a I'll deal with you later look.

"Dada ,its not like that".

"It is like that " Manum stood up from the couch. "Don't you lie to him".

"Manum ,go back to your room "

"Oh no she is not going anywhere" dada stood up too looking at him

Manum smirked and Zayaan gritted his teeth

"It was sort of necessary at the time Dada. She was being difficult." Zayaan walked towards his cell phone at the table ,picked it up and started texting someone.

"You kidnapped her ,offcourse she was being difficult. Any one would've reacted the same way she did in the particular situation. What else can you expect"??? Dada frowned at him

"And he fights with me, he calls me silly shortie". Manum blurted out angrily

Dada smiled on that looking at his grandson who was staring furiously at his wife now.

"Asfandyar and Hadeed had a surprised expression on their faces.

"So my grandson is able to give pet names too". Dada smiled with an amused expression.

Zayaan got his coat from the chair and walked towards the door saying

"I am late for a meeting , please excuse me. I'll see you all in the evening". He said robotically and left. Hadeed and Asfandyar followed him smiling.

Manum (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now