Chapter 2 - Tourist

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Lluvia and I walked back home. I grabbed my tacos and sat in a hammock.

"Ariela, que paso en el malecon?"

She asked as she sat in the hammock across from me.

"nada," I said quickly.

"algo paso." she insisted.

Before I could reply, my message ringtone went off. It was a message from Zach. I laughed when I saw his contact name. He put a winky face and parentheses next to his name. Inside the parentheses was, "the hottest." I read his message which said, 'I would love to spend the day with you tomorrow. Do you want to meet up at seven?'

I texted him back comfirming the time. He said he was going to meet me at the basketball courts since that is the only place he knows. I agreed and smiled. I get to spend the whole day with Zach tomorrow.

I woke up at six in the morning and took a shower. I got dressed in denim shorts and a gray tank top. I let my hair down and put on my sunglasses. By the time I finished putting on my strappy sandals, it was 6:40. I grabbed a small purse and put my phone inside it. I wrote a note to Lluvia and left the house. The sun was out making it warm outside. In the summer, the sun is always out early and in late. The walk to the beach was a ten-minute walk so, I was there at 6:53. I sat on a swing and waited for Zach.

Ten minutes later, Zach arrived. He was wearing black shorts and a white muscle shirt. I could see the outline of his 6 pack through the shirt.

"You look beautiful Ariela."

" Thank you. have you had breakfast?" I asked him.

"No, where do you want to go?" he asked.

I grabbed his hand leading him towards a small diner. The diner always sold delicious breakfast to eat. We walked in and sat down at a corner table.

"What do you recommend?" he asked.

"Well, there are quesadillas that in my opinion, are really good. They make really good omelets here too." I told him.

"What are you having?" he asked while looking at me.

" A quesadilla with frijoles," I said.

"That sounds good. I'll get the same thing," he said while smiling. A waitress came over and I told her our orders.

"What do you want to drink?" I asked him.

" Just water," he said. I ordered a water for him and an agua de jamaica for me.

"How do you like Teacapan so far?" I asked him.

"I love the weather here because It's hot but not too hot," he said.

"It's the perfect weather," I said with a smile.

"Exactly. Where are we going after this?" He asked.

"It's a surprise,"

After we finished eating, we left the diner.

"The food was delicious." he said.

" I know," I said while grabbing his hand and led him to our next location.

" What's your favorite color?" he asked.

"Purple, you?"

"Red. I thought you would say pink,"he said, joking.

"It's too bright for me,"

"It is. So, are you bilingual?" he asked.

"Yes, my mom was born here and my dad was born in St.Louis."

"That's cool. Both of my parents were born in texas."

"That's nice. Do you have any siblings?" I asked.

" I have an older brother and a younger sister." he said.

"Awe, so your the middle child?"

"Yes I am. Do you have any siblings?" He asked.

"Yes. I have three older brothers." I told him.

"So you're the youngest. You probably get spoiled alot."

"Kind of, but not really. Watch your step." I told him while we climbed over a small gate.

"Are we allowed to go through here?" He asked.

"I don't know, but I have never gotten in trouble. " I explained to him. "I have been going through this pathway for years."

"Okay then. It will be a great adventure." He said with a smile.

I couldn't get enough of his smile. It was just beautiful. He always showed his perfectly straight, white teeth.

"Watch out!" He said.

I snapped out of my trance to see a branch. It was too late though, as I tripped and awaited the grounds impact. It never came as I expected. I opened my eyes to see Zach holding me.

"Thank you for catching me."

"I couldn't let you fall." He said while looking at me.

I felt myself get lost within his beautiful eyes. He helped me regain my balance and we continued walking towards our destination.

"This is beautiful." He said once we arrived.

   It was a small beach that was covered by many trees. The water was a turquoise color, with the sun reflecting on it. You could hear the birds chirping and singing a song.

"It's so peaceful." Said Zach.

"I know. I randomly found it one day." I said while sitting on the sand.

"Why isn't it shown to the public?" He asked while admiring the view.

"They probably want to avoid pollution."

A light breeze passed by me, making me shiver. Zach looked at me and smiled. He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me in close. I could feel my heart beat increase. I wouldn't trade anything for this moment. Zach turned to me and smirked. I wonder what he's thinking.

"Yes?" I said warily.

"Let's skinny dip." He said.

"Are you crazy? The water is probably cold."

"So, take the risk Ariela." He said.

I looked at him, contemplating his idea. Oh, what the heck! We are already taking a risk by being here, what's another risk?

"Let's do it. Turn around " I told him.

He smiled and turned. I quickly undressed and jumped in the water. The water was freezing.

"How's the water." Teased Zach.

"It's warm." I told him.

He turned around and looked at me. I'm glad the water covered me well.

"Close your eye's. " he said.

I did as I was told and I heard him undress. Afterwards, I heard the splash. I opened my eyes to see him shivering.

"Warm isn't it," I said while laughing.
He moved his hands and splashed me.

"Hey!" I said while splashing him back.

"You tricked me." He said.

"I know."

He kept splashing me and I couldn't help but laugh. This is the most fun I had in a while.

"I'll make it up to you." I told him.

"How?" He asked.

"I'll make you lunch?" I suggested.

"That sounds great," he said with a smile.

"Let's go then,"

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