73. Family Ties & Weddings (Part 4)

Start from the beginning

Francesco stared at Adele and spoke in a sad tone " Have you changed your mind about us? You know..... Have you had second thoughts ever since you said yes to me? You must tell me if you do. I would rather die than hurt you Adele. I cant live with myself if this is not what you want. Do you really accept becoming my wife? Doesn't the thought scare you? It does me. You are too innocent. I feel selfish for not letting you go even though people like your brother would want me to let you go. Even your parents were giving me fearful looks when they were brought here from airport the other day..."

Adele sat up on the bed and Francesco was silenced as he found Adele attaching her lips to his. She kissed him gently and she then deepened the kiss. She then grabbed his hands and pulled him towards herself as she laid back down and Francesco complied. He pinned Adele to the bed and they kissed until they were both satisfied.

Francesco pulled away looking into Adele's eyes wondering what he had done to deserve her in his life.

Adele spoke "I have no doubts Francesco. For the past week you have been asking the same question every night and I have responded in the same way every time. I can't imagine my life without your presence. Of course, my parents were afraid. What did you expect? There were men with guns standing around. I talked to them and explained to them that I was happy and they are at ease. They wont object. Why would they? My parents had a love marriage themselves. Their parents were against it so they would never try to disagree with my choice in marriage. Because they didn't like how their parents disagreed with them throwing obstacles in their way.... That is what it comes down to. When you have a personal experience, you learn from it and try to turn it into something positive. My parents would never make the same mistakes their parents made..... I am sure we will become parents whom would not make the same mistakes our parents made....."

Francesco sighed and whispered "You don't know what you are referring to..." He then reluctantly pulled away and stood up. He walked away from the bed to the window again "Why do you have so much faith in me? You shouldn't. I am not like him but .... I could become like him..."

Adele stood up and walked to the window looking at Francesco who was staring into distance "Don't you think it is time your stop worrying. Don't let him mess with your mind. I know he is trying to make you feel like you have no control over who you become because you do. Your choices would make you who you are and not your genes.... For years you suffered at the hands of the man who was supposed to care for you as a father. He planned your life for you. He made your choices for you. He forced you to live away from your mother and even put restrictions on seeing your brother. He tried to influence your character but he failed killing your love for those you cared for. He didn't manage to make you forget your mother. He couldn't force you to fully become a careless brother. He couldn't make you forget me. Now you are a better man that he is. You have assigned Angelo to treat him for his rare disease. You are saving him. By showing mercy to him you are proving you are nothing like him. Families are supposed to care for each other and you proved it to him. He is in the town's hospital recovering all because of you..."

Francesco gave out a bitter laugh as he turned to look at Adele "I have other reasons to save him. It is no mercy."

Adele spoke "It doesn't matter what your motivations were. You could keep Angelo away who was his only hope. But you didn't. You said it yourself, the Don couldn't locate him."

Francesco spoke "Adele, let's not talk about him on the morning of our wedding....."

Adele spoke "You brought this up. Stop saying you will become like him. Why do you keep asking me if I am sure about this? I don't believe life gives anyone more than they can handle. I fell in love with you years ago when you showed honour. I know the soul I fell in love with. That is you. We are human and make mistakes. We all have flaws. No one is perfect. You have so much pain attached to your life. You were forced into a life you never even wanted. Its not your fault who your father is. He ruined your past so don't let him ruin your present and future by making you doubt yourself. I have seen your caring side and know you will be taking care of your family. Please don't listen to your father's words, about one day becoming like him. You will be better than him as a father and a husband."

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