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"Well then if you die, I would be unhappy knowing that I won't have my Otōto-kun and my best friend,"

You opened your eyes looking towards the cart you were confined to. You turned your body to look at the ceiling with a blank stare. You hair, that had grown at a fast rate, was a mess. Your body was covered in what seemed to be one of Biba-sama's Haori with clean undergarments underneath.

You rose from your body from the cell you were in. Here you were unable to do nothing.


That's what you could see.


There was nothing in front of you, both literally and metaphorically. You would die right here and forever delve into the dark, unable to do anything for yourself like you were unable to do anything for Hikari. As the two days went by, the routine would be a three straight hour beating. There were spurts of kicks, beating and whipping, fracturing a few bones here and there, That was only the start.

Then Biba himself would try to push you to your limit similar to before by forcing mouthfuls of the liquid he gave Horobi down your throat. However, your body would only regurgitate it to which you purposely would aim at Biba's face.

He knew that having the kind of power that you display would help him wth his plans and make him powerful by 10 folds, but his methods on trying to tap into your power was pure torture.

"You know, I've asked my men to hold back," Biba said smiling smugly as you refused to look into his eyes and looked ahead glaring at his subordinates as some snickered at your state, "I just ask that you use that power to help us prove a point and to help us fight against the shogun, we are engaged after all."

"Our engagement deal broke the moment you decided to make a call for Hikari to be kill," you laughed, "I remember our terms being 'only for the sake of Hikari and myself, I would do it', you killed my only reason to live, and for that you are my prey."

The moment those words left your mouth your eyes flickered quickly eyes of Kabane with a huge evil Cheshire-like grin plastered on your face once you saw a slight movement of Biba's body, expressing his fear-but knowing him he won't let it show.

"Maybe we should use her as an example for defying something in a higher state of authority," one of the hunters recommended.

"No," Biba stated, "Transport her to the same area where Ikoma is, probably seeing him in his state will let know why it is important for her to help us with our plan."

One of the scientists came into the room with a small gun. Shooting something from it and piercing it at your heart, your eyes succumbed to the effects of the drug leaving you in a state of helplessness. Feeling lethargic and unable to move, four of Biba's men carried your cage into he cart where the others were held placing it approximately 90 degrees from Ikoma's. People shocked to see that "Humanity's last defense" was defenseless in this situation. Voices of Takumi and Ikoma yelling as the drug made you very unresponsive.

"Just think about it," Biba replied as he walked back to the front of the cart with his men.

Takumi ran to your cage to check on you to see that you were still breathing but it was very shallow.

"She is still alive, but they really took a number from her," Takumi replied reaching to you until your hand slammed down on his and your eyes quickly opened wide showing your molten lava colored eyes causing Takumi to shriek back from your cage. Your eyes slowly went back to their normal color while your breathing quickly escalated from the effects of the drug.

"Yuki!" Ikoma yelled crawling towards the corner of his cage to try and reach you as you turned your back towards him.

"Don't talk to me," you said coldly, "If you just let me and Hikari go when we wanted to, he wouldn't have been dead."

"H-hikari's dead..." Ikoma muttered, "D-don't you need blood?"

You ignored his question and continued to mope slowly curling yourself into a ball to try and isolate yourself from the world that constantly takes the things you love away from you. Confined to the cage, you feel yourself slowly rotting away especially with Ikoma's revelation being correct; I haven't received the proper nutrients that I need when going into Phase II.

"Yuki!" Ikoma yelled rattling his cage that got the guards attention in which he commanded Ikoma to stop only for him to beg that he reach to you and give you some of his blood.

"I said stop it!"

"She needs blood or she will die!" Ikoma yelled.

"She already had hers given to her," the hunter replied.

"That isn't going to work for her, she needs the blood of a Kabaneri!" yelled Ikoma, "Let me help her!"

"Not going to happen," the hunter replied squatting down in front of your cage and smirking, "But we will let Biba-sama know about this information."

You swiftly grabbed the Hunter's face as he began to scream.

"Naw, got your nose!" you said coldly.

The Hunter's eyes wandered to you out of fear, as if he knew what will happen next. It was a slow process. It started like a pinch on the nose, slowly escalating to his bones starting to crush. His screams were heard as other hunters attempted to come to his aid but feared the idea of getting themselves hurt by you. Blood started gushing out of his nostrils and then the awaited pain kicked through his limbs.

You pushed his body back against the end of the cart as the hunters ran to aid their comrade. You took the liberty to sit back in your cage and look at the scene with cold, merciless eyes as the man body shuddered while the blood dripped onto his clothing.

"Let's get him to medic," one hunter suggested, "the rest remain away from Yuki until Biba-sama finishes his meeting with Ayame-sama."

The hunters agreed out of fear knowing that Biba hearing this news is going to further excite him in trying to get your compliance.

"Yuki..." Ikoma muttered.

"Leave me alone, Ikoma," you replied, "Because of your feelings, I showed a path of weakness that caused me to lose the one person I held dearly. And for that, I can't show any feelings of love for you, in fact, my love for you has turned the opposite path."

"Yuki, what are you saying?"

You turned your head and looked directly into his eyes with pure animosity, "I hate you, Ikoma."

Koutetsujou no Kabane-Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress- (Ikoma Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now