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You were walking through Shitori Station with Hikari by your content with having you there to protect him but today was a special day for us all, it was Tanabata and Hikari's birthday. He asked you for one thing on his birthday: to spend the day and be nice with Ikoma. Because he wished for you to do this, you agreed to it. 

"Don't you have anything else you want for your birthday?" you asked in a pleading tone.

"No," Hikari replied coldly.

"Ugh!" you complained.

"Come on, I need to make it to the others to hang out with them!" Hikari yelled dragging you back to the station with the others were currently staying.

"You know tomorrow they have to leave by the 8th," you replied.

"I know," Hikari muttered, "How come the lord of this station extended his pardon and gave us an unlimited time to leave."

"When you create trains and have a good reputation, you tend to be treated like royalty," you replied, "Now off you go."

Hikari ran to the other children as they cheered at the fact that they would able to play. You smiled knowing that Hikari did have the chance of acting his age and interacting with kids his age as well.

"Yuki!" yelled someone.

You turned around to see Ikoma. You glanced to see Hikari looking towards you with a death glare as you cringed and turned back around and walked towards him.

"Hello Ikoma," you replied stopping right next to him as he looked towards you with a small smile.

"Love can make you do things, and if you happen to be a good person, can make you susceptible  to do things you'd never in your sane mind do, can happen..." you thought, "Ikoma told me that he love me and-"


"I love you Yuki,"  Ikoma said.

You looked into his ruby-colored eyes as he looked into yours with the hope of getting an answer back from you on if you returned his feelings.

"How long have you loved me Ikoma?" you replied.

"I loved you since we were kids," Ikoma replied in a low tone.

"Hm..." you said in thought until you pulled  out of his embrace and backed away from him.

"Y-Yuki?" Ikoma asked in desperation to hear your answer.

"You didn't hear yourself..." you replied in a low tone, "Regardless of this threat in our world, you aren't in love with me the same way I am with you; therefore, I cannot return your feelings."

End of Flashback

"Hikari told me that you will be accompanying me for some stuff for the Koutetsujou," Ikoma replied.

"It is his birthday today," you replied, "I am simply fulfilling his wish, nothing more or less." 

"Hey Yuki!" yelled Kajika as she ran in front of you, "Do you know what you are going to wish for?"

"World Peace," you said blatantly as you began to open your book to read and drone out Kajika complaints on your wish being an unrealistic one. Just as you thought your love for Ikoma was unrealistic until what happened weeks ago, "I am going on ahead for clothing Kajika, Hikari will be with you and the ladies today, also he has enough money to buy what he needs so do not buy for him."

"Alright," she assured.

You walked through the village passing many shops until you came across one that had a fabric that caught your eye.

Koutetsujou no Kabane-Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress- (Ikoma Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now