Distracti the Spaghetti

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The two teens raced around the room, throwing everything around in order to find the recipe. 

"Where was the last place you had it, Frisk?!"

"The top of my TV, but it's not there anymore!"

"Do you think maybe you stuffed it in your pocket?"

"I checked my pockets!" They stuffed their hands into their jeans pockets and pulled out the fabric within. "Nothing!"

"What about your pants from yesterday?!"

"I was wearing pajamas when MK came over!"

"Did you check those pockets?"

"No, because they don't have pockets. I put it on my TV last night, and it was there when I came out of the shower!"

Chara looked behind the TV and saw multiple pieces of paper.

"Frisk! I think I found it! Go distract them, send Mettaton somewhere, whatever you can."

"Got it!" Frisk ran out the door as Chara knelt down, grabbing the first dozen papers.

"Oh, Frisk dear." Mettaton said as said teen turned into the kitchen. "Would you be a dear and go to the store for me and Papy? We seemed to have forgotten French bread."

They internally panicked. "U-uhm, I'm still tired from the anti-monster rally today." They feigned a yawn. "Besides, Chara is using the bathroom and I don't want to leave them."

"Oh. Well, I guess that's reasonable. Papyrus, would you like to go to the store?"

"I would love to, Mettaton, but we can't leave the kids while the stove is running, especially since they can't be alone."

"What about Sans? He's technically their step-father."

"That lazy sack of bones can't even take care of a pet rock!"

"I have an idea!" Frisk chirped in. "Why don't Mettaton and Sans go? That way there's a responsible adult in the house, the bread gets picked up, and Sans will get some fresh air."

"Hmmm..." Papyrus contemplated this. "Mettaton, what do you think?"

Frisk looked at Metta with a face that said, "Say yes."

"Hmm, well...I guess it wouldn't hurt for me to go with Sans."

The teen mentally fist pumped. "I'll go get your keys!" They hurried to the key rack, going on their tip toes to each the keys for the convertible. As Frisk ran, they mentally cheered. This was going swimmingly.

As soon as the robot and small skeleton were out of the house, Frisk went into the kitchen and saw how far along the dinner was. No pink glitter, perfect.

"Papyrus, would you like my help while Mettaton is out? And Chara will be down soon to help too."

"Oh thank you, tiny human. Some help would be nice." He handed them some tomatoes and various leaves. "Would you make that into the sauce."

"Of, course!" They proceeded to chop the tomatoes into cute die, and throw it into the blender with the seasoning leaves. As soon as it was all pulsed into a nice sauce, Frisk added a few more leaves and poured it into a warm sauce pan. Papyrus fluffed their hair.

"Good job! Now to wait for Sans and Mettaton."

Chara ran down the steps,  a piece of paper in their hand. "Frisk! I got it!"

"You have what, Chara?" Papyrus asked. 

The teen froze. "U-Uhm...ah screw it."

"Chara, no!"

"Chara, yes! Frisk and I are trying to get un-grounded by helping you, not Mettaton."

"Oh is that all? You could have just said so."

"We didn't want to look greedy and manipulative."

"Frisk, when we first met, I thought you were crazy in love with me! If that's not manipulative, I don't know what us!" He gave a big smile to the two. "Alright, now what is that paper?"

Chara gave him the folded paper. Papyrus looked it over. "Ah. This is Mettaton's spaghetti recipe. You wanted to make it as good as he makes it?"

"Minus the glitter," both said in unison.

"Alright! Let's finish up then! How about we invite Toriel and Asgore to dinner as well? To show them how well you make spaghetti!"

"And Undyne!"

"And Alphys!"

"Alright, alright! I'll grab the phone." He went to the wall phone and proceeded to dial in numbers. "Could you two mix the sauce and noodles?"

They nodded and did as he said, smiling widely. As soon as it was mixed, and Papyrus invited everyone, the dinner was put on the back burner on low with a cover on it.

Mettaton entered the home with grocery bags. The teens took them as Papyrus explained their sketchy behavior all night. He couldn't help but laugh.

"Darlings, you could have told us! Oh my, this is too funny!" He laughed a bit more. "If this is the case, could you two do the garlic bread?"

"Yes, sir!"

Papyrus cut the french bread while Frisk made the garlic butter. Chara's job was to take the glitter and keep it from Mettaton's grasp. Soon, the yummy bread was in the oven. Toriel arrived first, then Asgore and Asriel, soon following the lizard-fish couple. After some greetings, Chara and Frisk set up the large dining table. As soon as it was set up, everyone took they're seats. 

"Dinner is served!" The two announced, both carrying the large pot. It was placed on a little skate board, and Frisk gave everyone a serving. Chara went back into the kitchen and brought back sliced garlic bread, giving everyone their slice.

"Oh my. This is well done. Papyrus, this is your best serving yet!"

"Thank you, Toriel, but I wasn't the only one working on it. I had a little help."

"I-I don't see any glitter."

"I know. Such a shame, too. But it will have to do." Mettaton sighed. A couple giggled.

"So who did help you, Papyrus?"

"Excellent question, Asgore! And the answer is the two canoodling across the table!"

Frisk and Chara blushed as they were called out, straightening up from their cuddling.

"They made it?! But Chara burnt down the house a couple of weeks ago!"

"And the out come was still better than your scones."

"Mom! Dad!"

The goat-lions laughed a little.

"I am very please with this outcome, however. It shows that you two are growing up marvelously!" Toriel said.

The two held hands under the table in anticipation.

Toriel said nothing more as she continued to eat. In desperation, they looked to Asgore, who was engaged in a friendly conversation with the otaku girls.

They looked at each other.

"I thought she was suppose to unground us!" Frisk signed.

"I thought so, too. Maybe she'll say it after dinner." Chara mouthed.

"Let's hope so."

When plates became empty, and the bread gone, everyone congregated to the entertainment for some anime Alphys brought. Half way in, Chara tapped their mother's shoulder.

"Hm? Yes, my child?"

"U-Uhm, you know how me and Frisk are kind of, uhm, grounded right now?"

"Oh, yes, of course. I forgot. You and Frisk are un-grounded."

Frisk and Chara celebrated with a long kiss.

(And that's done! . . . I'm sorry)

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