Scary (Part Two of Spoopy Scary Sicky)

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After school that Friday, Frisk, Chara, and Asriel all sat on the front steps, waiting for their respective rides.

Frisk was bouncing in their seat, excited for the next night. Saturday was the day of the Haunted House Fair for teens, and the whole school was buzzing with energy about it.

"Frisk, sit still."

"I can't, Chara! I'm too excited!"

"Shh!" Chara tried to shush the bouncy child, but Asriel had already heard them.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, Azzie. They're just excited because, uh..."

"Tomorrow, we're going to-" Chara covered their mouth with a hand.

"Frisk is going to meet the, uh, Queen tomorrow at the meeting tomorrow. They're very excited."

Frisk licked Chara's hand to get them to let go.

"Frisk, that will not faze me, you know that."

They mumbled, "Damn."

"The Queen?" Asriel asked. "Like, The Queen of England?"

Chara did a mental sigh. "Of course! What other queen?"

"Well," Asriel started to name off the current queens in the world.

Chara whispered in Frisk's ear, "He absolutely must not know of our plans. If he does, he will rat us out to Mom and we'll be grounded for an eternity!"

Frisk nodded, removing their hand from their mouth.

"...and that's about it." Asriel finished his exasperating list. He looked at the couple, who feigned interest because they didn't hear him at all.

Then, a red convertible pulled up on the curb, with a certain skeleton in the driver's seat.

"Frisk! Sans and I are taking you to Mettaton's new movie! Just don't tell Lady Asgore!"

Frisk hugged Asriel and quickly kissed Chara. "See y'all!" Then they jumped into the car and he sped off, heading towards the theater, only for it's spot to be taken by a minivan. The doors opened and Asgore's voice rang out. "Children!" The red-eyed human and goat boy got up and went into the van.

"Chara, I know that you are grounded, but I will allow you to watch television and use your cell phone, alright?"

"Thanks, King Dad. "

"However, I am aware that there is a haunted house nearby, and I will absolutely not let you attend."


The next day, Frisk was in their room at the Skelebros' house, reading a book and texting Chara.

'How are you going to sneak out?' Frisk texted.

'Not sure. I share a room with Azzie. Might go to bed early and stuff pillows under my blankets. You?'

'Sans says he'll take me, if he wasn't so lazy. He's sleeping, and Papyrus is with Mettaton for the night, so I can just walk out.'

'K. So meet at the park @8 o'clock?'

'Yeah. See you then. Ily <3'

'Ily2 :-* '

Frisk giggled and looked at the time. 6pm. They plugged in their phone into the charger and went downstairs. Mettaton and Papyrus made a dinner of spaghetti, which was quite edible and delicious.

When night fell, Papyrus and Mettaton left the house, and Sans was barely awake.

"Yo, Frisk. I know that you're grounded, but y'know that I don't care. Just be careful, and don't get hurt." He yawned and went into his room. "And lock the door on your way out!"

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