Nurse Chara

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A/N: This is for creeper19229 who asked, "What would Chara do if Frisk broke her leg?" Just a quick note, I do head cannon the two children as girls, but to appease those who see one or both as boys, I go by gender neutral pronouns. So, don't hate on creeper19229 because of how they identify Frisk, alright? And remember, if you read the story and want to ask a question, don't be afraid to ask. I know you guys are reading it. I can see how many views it gets and how many votes. Don't hesitate to ask a question. I'm encouraging you to do so. It will fill me with determination to keep writing this story, so speak up, and lend your voice to the story. I believe in you!

Frisk hopped up and down the steps of the Monster Embassy. There was a meeting every Saturday from nine in the morning to three o'clock in the afternoon, with, of course, a half hour break at twelve thirty for lunch. For the weekend, the pacifistic child stayed with Sans and Papyrus, because they lived the closest to the building, and Papyrus had (unofficially) decreed himself the (un)official Human-Monster Relations Peace Keeper. However, Papyrus was on a date with Mettaton, and Sans was more than likely with Toriel on the other side of town. Chara and Asriel were on the other side as well, but on the opposite end, with their dad, Asgore, whom they stayed with on weekends.

Frisk sat on the steps and pulled out their cell phone to check for any messages. Only one, from Chara. They smiled and opened the text, reading it.

'Hey, Frisky-Baby. King Dad is taking us to see a movie Alphys recommended to him called "The Wind Rises" or something like that. I can't text you for, like, two hours, and I'm going to miss you. I'll shoot you a text when we're out. Love you <3'
Frisk smiled and blushed heavily. Chara was just too sweet to them. Frisk snapped a selfie and sent it to their boo, saying, 'omg I am so bored. The meeting is over and no one is here to pick me up. You should ditch the movie and come see me lol ;)'. They giggled at the text. They knew Chara couldn't get there, but it was fun to tease.
Suddenly, they got a text back, with an attachment. It was Chara running out of the theater. 'I'll be at the park a block south of the embassy. Meet me there in fifteen.'

The tiny ambassador giggled and got up, running to the park. They couldn't believe Chara was actually doing this. They knew Chara cared, but this was a bit over the top, however, they did enjoy the affection. They arrived at the park ten minutes early, so they decided to climb around on a jungle gym set. They kept an eye for their lover and they swung back and forth on some bars. Despite being twelve, they still had a small stature and could easily be mistaken for seven or eight years old.

After ten minutes of swinging around, Frisk saw Chara running down the street at full speed. They smiled and jumped down to race towards the running teen, but some how landed wrong and fell on their leg, in which Frisk started to scream in pain. Chara saw them fall and heard their cries, which just made them run faster towards their beloved.

"FRISK!" Chara slid next to them, who was holding their leg and crying.

"Ch-Chara, it hurts!"

The teen felt around their hurt leg, trying to find out what was wrong. When they added pressure to a spot on their calf, they hollered in pain.

"It's broken. We need to get you to the hospital, pronto." Chara pulled out their phone and called 911, unsure of who to call in their large family. After several minutes, an ambulance came by. The paramedics recognized Frisk immediately.

"It's the ambassador! Get them in, now!"

Frisk was hauled into the ambulance, and Chara hopped in because Frisk was begging to have Chara with them.

They hurried to the hospital and put the two in a room, Chara not leaving Frisk once. Chara gave the doctors Toriel's, Asgore's, Sans', and Papyrus' numbers to call them and let them know they were there.

Chara held Frisk's hand, who was now passed out from the pain medications. Chara wiped the tiny tear pricks from the corner of their eyes, and softly kissed their head. "I love you, Frisk." They whispered.

A collective "Awe!" sounded behind them, and they turned to see everyone, which made Chara blush as red as Undyne's hair.

"I-I didn't know you'd be here so quickly!"

"We had to come immediately, my child." Toriel said.

"Yes! The human child needs us! I, the great Papyrus, shall help them feel better with some spaghetti!"

"Yeah! And me and Alphys will show them all sorts of epic animes!"

"A-And if Frisk needs a n-New leg, I-I can build them a-a robotic one."

"A new leg won't be necessary, Alphys, but I thank you for the offer."

"A-alright, m-Ms. Queen."

"Guys..." Frisk spoke up.

Everyone looked towards the half asleep child. "I love that you are all here to help, but can I be alone with Chara for a bit? They need a special thanks."

Everyone nodded and left the room, leaving Chara and Frisk alone.

"Thank you, Chara. You're amazing."

"It's my fault you broke it. I-I didn't want you to hurt yourself! I-I should have stayed at the movies..." they apologized, all while looking at the blue and purple cast on their leg.

Frisk leaned over and kissed them on the lips. "If it weren't for you, I'd still be at the embassy, bored out of my mind."

Chara teared up and hugged them tight. "I'm never letting you out of my sight again."

Frisk smiled and hugged them back. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

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