Being a Gemini - Lesson #5

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Here's a true story...

"Hey, I'm Alyssa! I'm live, to you from Carlee's house! OH, MY GOD! ONE OF OUR FRIENDS ARE WATCHING THIS! HI!!!" She's filming live on Facebook and totally hyped up on caffeine. "Imma tell you a true story! It's about aliens and a magical dragon! Okay, here I go:

"Once upon a time, there was a magical dragon! The magical dragon came to Earth to keep a dangerous potion away from these weird alien dudes that no body liked. The dragon also lived with this girl while he was protecting it. Well, one day the dragon and the girl went to McDonald's. WHAT THEY DIDN'T EXPECT WAS THAT ALIENS WERE COMING FOR HIM!! THE ALIENS WERE RIDING AROUND EARTH IN THEIR UFOS AND DESTROYING STUFF! PEW PEW! PEW PEW! They found the dragon and the girl and started chasing them into a randomly placed forest! The dragon flew over the mud puddle, but the aliens were idiots and left their UFOs at McDonald's, so they got stuck in the mud. However, the dragon ate too much and went into a food coma! When the aliens got unstuck, the dragon was captured! DUN! DUN! DUNNN! The end."

"What on earth is wrong with you, Miggins?"


Then it ends out my internet sucks, so the video was glitchy and no one understood what we were saying!

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