Chapter 12 saving a friend

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Ash??:I think your attack failed

Volt prime teleports and stabs the bailiff in his head


He starts trying to stab volt prime but volt prime is too fast for him

Volt prime"pant" your fast.

Ash:What are you going to do Tenno!

Volt prime:well....RHINO NOW!

Rhino prime:HAAAA

He does a rhino charge and hits the ash through the door where he then hits a wall and goes limb


We then notice ash pinned to wall with a bunch of pipes coming out of him and the artificer standing on the other side of the room

Volt prime:give us our ally back we have already killed yours

Artificer:right you are.

The artificer walks over to us we all still point our weapons at him

Artificer: just take your friend....I know when I have been beaten...

He then walks out the door and stares at us with a saddened look and closes the door

Rhino prime:frost pull him off of there

I start undoing the tubes and then I get to the last one and pull it out the all the walls start getting electrified

Ash and frost:AHHHHGGGG

We both hit the floor and then something huge from the right side bursts out

Rhino prime:what the fuck?..

It looks like a huge monster that's half ash half bombard when it breaths smoke comes out of four holes in the mask


The artificer the yells


Banshee prime opens the door to see a voice bot relaying the message with the artificer long gone. The monster then picks up rhino prime

Monster ash:RAAWWWGH

Rhino prime:GET OFF ME

rhino prime starts ripping small parts of the monsters skin off but then the monster shocks rhino prime through its hands

Rhino prime:AAHHHRGGHH

Volt prime and banshee prime:AHRRGH

Volt prime aims for its hand while banshee aims for its feet, volt prime starts absorbing the energy that rhino prime is taking

Volt prime:EAT IT

He then shoots all the energy at the monster it stumbles backwards and then

Monster ash:ARRHHHGGG

It then takes its free arm and smacks volt prime out of the factory I lay on the floor near ash


I look at how injured he is

Frost:...this pain should never happen to a warframe...

I cover myself in ice armor make my hands ice spikes and hop to where volt prime was I jab his hand and freeze it and it falls off with rhino prime in hand

Rhino prime:"cough" you filthy hybrid

He picks up his hand and looks at it

Monster ash:rhhhrg? RAWWRGH!

He throws the hand at me it hits me and I fly back to the main room we started off in

Rhino prime:FROST...SHIT!

Banshee prime gets the lancera in his foot and starts running upwards

Banshee prime:DIE!

The monster ash shakes around trying to get her off she stumbles and she hangs on to the sword so she doesn't fall but she was on his nose

Banshee prime:..

He takes his mouth and inhales with banshee prime flying into his mouth.

Rhino prime:BANSHEE!

Rhino prime:ARRGHH

Rhino prime does a rhino stomp and knocks over the monster in slow motion he then runs up its body to its head


Rhino prime rhino stomps on his head rapidly with the monsters head slightly starting to concave in. I slowly start to get up and notice it through the hole I got hit through

Frost:can't give up....can't die..must save friend...

I start to walk over slowly rhino prime is yelling at the top of his voice chip and stomping faster


we hear a slight rumble from its stomach the monster gets up toppling rhino prime off of him and he hits the ground

Rhino prime:OWFF

The monster starts flailing everywhere

Monster ash:RAAHRGHHHH!

Volt prime hops back in through the hole in the wall

Volt prime:NOO

the monster is about to step on rhino prime the volt prime puts up an electric shield that starts cracking

Volt prime:RAHHH

I start running as fast as I can and I make to where they are and put up a snow globe it mixes with the electric shield making and electric snow globe it's starts breaking slowly too

Frost and volt prime:RARGHHH

monster ash:RAHHHHHGGH

I hold back the monster with the rest of the energy I have


the head of the monster suddenly explodes and a loud screech comes out it falls backwards onto the ground making a shockwave that knocks us all into walls

Volt prime and frost:UGH

I hit the floor I notice that banshee prime floats out where the head of the monster would be,I pass out unable to stay up any longer

Warframe:lost cause(Finished)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang