"They don't need to fade, they are there to make you stronger. We all have scars Keane, just not all of them can be seen"


The past year had been tough both mentally and physically. We all stayed living in New Zealand for 4 months and then Mum, Dad and Arii headed back across the world to America, so that Arii could graduate High School. Noah, Tayte and I stayed put for a few more days whilst Angelo had business to attend to back in the UK. He and Angelo then moved back to America too where Angelo carried on with his job as a private physician and to everyone's surprise, Noah announced that he wanted to study psychology at Berkley. So he's been doing just that and loving every minute. He doesn't live on campus though, oh no, he's happy to go home and cuddle with Angelo and be cooked for by Mum and Dad.

Tayte and I had been travelling around the world. We spent 3 months touring Australia, which was amazing to say the least. We then spent 2 months with Talina which she was over the moon about, despite me being really against going back to South Africa after everything that had gone on, I knew that I had to face my demons at some point. Then we spent 2 weeks with Harvey and Donna where we met their son Mike. We then had 4 months back in America, though only one of those months was actually spent in California with the rest of the family, we toured other cities in the US. Canada was our next stop for a month, before we ended up in Barbados for a month where I can tell you, we did absolutely nothing besides lounge on the beach soaking up the sun and eating freshly caught fish. Our final stop was Brazil, where we are just leaving, we spent 2 weeks in the beautiful country, 1 of which we stayed with Ricardo.

There were times when I revelled in the idea of still joining the army, but with my limp and mental state at times, I knew that I wouldn't pass a medical, they wouldn't even let me take one.

"Stop it" Tayte told me,

"Stop what?"

"Thinking about everything, it's plain to see all over your face, so stop it"

"I can't help it" I told him,

"You can and you know you can. The past is gone, so you should focus on what's to come, your demons can't get you if you're looking to the good things that are going to happen in the future. Yes we've had an amazing year travelling together and yes we've had ups and downs, but it's gone now and we have the rest of our lives to create more amazing moments, to capture smiles. We've got the rest of our lives to love each other"

"I love you" I said smiling,

"I love you too and I always will"


"2 hours until we land" Tayte said, "Enough time to join the mile high club?" I burst into laughter,

"Only you would come out and say that"

"So is that a yes or a no? I can't quite tell"

"It's a no babe, sorry to disappoint" he fluttered his eyelashes and pushed out his bottom lip at me, "Still a no"

"I will change that one day"

"No doubt you will" I winked, his eyes widened,

"Well, I look forward to that day" He said grinning. I shut my eyes and took a breath.

The two hours felt like 2 minutes as before we both knew it, we had landed in LAX, we walked out together hand in hand and met Dad who had a giant grin spread across his face, we hadn't seen him or anyone for about 5 months,

"How have you been?" He asked pulling us in for a hug,

"Good Dad, what about you and Mum? Been keeping busy?" I replied,

"Far from it, we've been loving the freedom, though we have become business partners with Rory and Piper and have extended 'Corrigan's' diner since you were last here"

"Wow, that's awesome news, congratulations"

"Investment for all of you"

"Does this mean we have to work there unpaid now?" Tayte asked, I rolled my eyes and Dad laughed but didn't say anything, "I take that as a yes then" it was my turn to laugh,

"Yes you won't be paid"

"Figures" We both said together, as we climbed into the car.

"Are you up for going straight to Sector One? Or did you want to detour home, bearing in mind the time?" Dad asked.

"Straight to Sector one, as long as we stop for some food on route"

"That can be sorted out"


Two burgers and an hour and a half later we had pulled into Sector One's carpark, my phone began to ring as I climbed out of the car, it was Noah; I put it on speaker,

"Happy Birthday handsome" Tayte and I said, we heard him laugh,

"Why thank you, ever so kind. Where are you? I miss you, I need to see my favourite couple and brothers, my brother's couple, which sounds like incest, oh dear. Where are you? Angelo has kept me under house arrest and I need to leave the house and run away and be mad because I'm 21 today, you wouldn't believe it though

Wow have I missed your hyper craziness

I know you have, so where are you?

We're on our way home, we'll be there soon, then you can go crazy and we can all celebrate

Okay, sweet, sounds like a plan to me. I cannot wait, can you believe Arii and Mum said happy birthday, gave me a kiss and then left. Dude I'm feeling unloved" We laughed, "This is no laughing matter

Noah, we'll be back soon okay, we love you

Love you too" I hung up.

He was going to absolutely love it.


So there is the prologue, the first chapter will be uploaded next Friday!

Exciting to bring you the third installment.

Unedited, so do notify me of any errors.

Thank you and love you all 


Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

Beneath The Skies (Book 3 of Running Series)Where stories live. Discover now