{14} Jealousy

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~Saturday, October 5th~

I wake up, only to have Aphmau with Aaron on my mind.

I feel annoyance come over me when I think of the two together.

Though I don't know why.

I freshen up, and go downstairs. I sit on the couch, turning on Netflix.

A certain show pops out to me.

Something called Minecraft Journals.

"Heh, sounds stupid." I say, cracking a smile.

I read the description of it.

Something about a girl named Aphlou who takes care of a village. She's also stuck in a love triangle, which consists of her, Garrot, and Lauri.

Why do those names sound familiar?

Oh, probably because Garrot sounds like carrot. That's totally the reason why.

I decide to watch some episodes, check this dumb looking show out.


"You moron! He's obviously in love with you!"

"Zane? Are you okay?" I hear someone call from behind me.

I turn around, and see Garroth.

"No! I'm not fine! This dense girl name Aphlou won't realize that the boy Garrot likes her!" I exclaim.

"Oh, is this the Minecraft Journals Kawaii~chan has been telling everyone to watch?" He asks, walking over to me.

I nod. "Yes, and it's so frustrating to watch this girl not notice that two of her guards have feelings for her!"

Garroth snickers, "What? Are you into the shipping biz now?"

I shake my head, "No, I'm not. I just hate how someone can be so dense! He obviously hints it that he likes her, and even her friends do! Then Aphlou won't even realize! She knows of Lauri's feelings at least, but she can't just keep Garrot in the dark!"

"Sounds familiar..." Garroth mutters while narrowing his eyes at me.

I raise a brow, a puzzled expression on my face.

"Well, I'll just leave you to continue watching this." Garroth says, walking back upstairs to his room.

I turn back to the TV.


"Wow, I finished season one." I say, staring at the TV. "I really don't like that Zen character, he seems annoying."

I continue on to season two.

The stranger guy appears in a scene.

I feel irked when I see him. Something about him bothers me, a lot.

Well, at least Garrot confessed his love... but in the worst way possible.

I sigh, stretching my arms.

I literally just binge watched a whole season. I don't even know how many hours that took.

I decide to text Aphmau.

I take my phone off the coffee table, and unlock it. I open messages, and start texting Aphmau.

Hey Aph, you there?

I wait a couple minutes until I get a reply.

Sorry! I'm in a conversation with Aaron Ill ttyl!


Hearing Aaron's name or seeing it bothers me... why?

I am perfectly fine with all the other guys, yet when Aaron is mentioned...

"Zane? You alright?"

Vylad's voice takes me away from my thoughts.

"Oh, uh yeah. I'm fine."

Vylad looks at me weirdly. "Doesn't seem like you are."

I shrug, avoiding eye contact.

"Well... there is one thing that's bothering me..."

"Talk to me brother."

"Um... when Aphmau hangs around, talks to, or even mentions a person's name... I feel, weird."

Vylad's pokerface turns into a smirk.

"And who is this person?"

I mumble, "A-Aaron..."


I take in a deep breath. "I said Aaron."

Vylad laughs. I look at him with a confused expression.

"Zane, that's called jealousy."

My eyes widen. "J-jealousy?"

He nods.

"But how..?"

"Well, Aphmau seems to be taking an interest in him, which annoys you, right? That annoys you that he's getting close to the girl you like, right?"

It makes sense now.

"Y-you're right."

Aphmau is the girl I like, and I don't like seeing another person getting close to her.

"I don't like him getting close to the girl I like."

Vylad seems so happy since I said that.

"After all, she's..."

I don't hate Aaron, I just don't like how he's getting close to her.

"She's my best friend!"

Vylad stumbles back. "What now?"

"My best friend getting close to another person... I don't want them to take the spot of being her best friend."

Vylad facepalms, and slaps his cheeks multiple times.

"N-nothing else?"


"What do you mean?"

Vylad sighs, walking away. "I'm done. I'm done, I'm done, and I'm done."

He walks up the stairs.

I feel very confused.

"Um... okay?"

I look back at the TV.

"Crap... I forgot to pause... Oh well."

I go back to watching the show.

I gotta make sure that he doesn't take my best friend away...

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