{8} Getting Close

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~Tuesday, September 17th~

First period, stuck with two of the few evildoers.

Talking about mainly the things we already know.

Isn't history just 'fantastic'?

Honestly, history is a waste to me. The people we learn about are long gone, why is it necessary to learn this stuff?

For all we know, most, or maybe even all the information we're given is wrong. I mean, it's pretty easy to mess people up.

All I'm getting at is that history isn't one of the best subjects.

I stare at the clock which is located at the front of the classroom, next to the door that is straight ahead from where I sit.

Five minutes left until class is finally over.

I continue to listen to the boring lecture that is going on upfront. Mr. Dale would talk about Alexis at times.

The five minutes are passed by him continuing to praise his daughter for being smart and whatnot. Once the bell rings, everyone gets up to head to their next class. Mr. Dale doesn't seem to notice since he is staring at a picture of Alexis, not caring about anything else.

I walk down the halls to get to class, passing some faces that are either familiar or I vaguely recall.

After a few minutes of walking in the halls, I finally reach the classroom I need to go to. Second period, physics.

I enter the classroom and take my seat, some people are already there while others enter.

Mrs. Molly is already seated at her desk, waiting a couple more minutes until everyone enters.

Two of the schools cool kids or whatever enter; a blue haired boy, and a white haired boy. Dante and Travis.

They sit a row in front of me, three seats to the right.

All the girls practically drool over them, even though it is obvious to me that they have their hearts set on two specific girls.

They'd always hang out with them, and they always seem so happy; Travis is extra flirtatious with the one he likes, and Dante is extra nice with his crush.

Most people know, but the girls still try getting their attention even if they know that they can't get noticed. It is kind of sad to watch, a bunch of desperate girls trying to get attention from two of the schools most popular boys.

The only reason why they really notice the two specific girls is because they went to middle school together. At that time, neither were popular, they were just regular middle schoolers with crushes.

When class starts, sometimes Mrs. Molly's back is to us, so the girls would try getting the two's attention. They drop their erasers near them, or maybe pencils, and the two always pick it up for them and just send a casual smile. That practically kills the girls.

Pathetic. Stop being so thirsty and talk casually with them, maybe that'll catch their attention.

I ignore them all afterwards, only paying attention upfront.


Lunch rolls in, and I head to my locker to get my lunch.

"Hey Zane." I hear someone call out to me. I turn myself around a bit, and see Travis, along with Dante.

"Yes?" I reply.

"Why don't you hang out with us? Spend some quality time with your older brother." Dante suggests.

I shrug, "I'm not the most social person alive."

Travis chuckles, "Come on, you seem to be social when Aphmau is around."

I feel my face grow warm upon hearing her name.

"Well, she approached me first, plus she's my first friend since... Well, she's my first friend. I like having her as a friend." I shift my gaze to look at the ground, on my right.

I see from the corner of my eyes that the two are smirking, while looking at each other.

"Mhmm." they hum in unison, the word 'disbelief' written all over their faces.

I ignore it, but I am still puzzled by the look that they gave me.

"Well, you're a tough nut to crack. Surprised Aphmau was able to make you less of a tough nut." Travis remarks.

"Well, during the first couple of days, she wouldn't stop pestering-- talking to me. It was hard to really get away from her." I tell them.

Travis pulls on my arm. "Well, enough of your life story, you can explain that another day. Come with us." Travis says.

Life story? That wasn't even a li-- Now that I think about it, I never had anything interesting happen. There isn't much of a story to tell.

I am dragged along by Dante and Travis, the two just talk about random stuff that I don't understand. Shortly after, we reach the cafeteria, and almost all of their friends are there, including Aphmau. Not implying that she isn't their friend but-- whatever. Even Garroth and Vylad are there.

Everyone, including myself, talk about anything that came to head. It goes from one conversation to another. They don't last long either.

Everyone is... Friendly. They're welcoming. It's not like they're completely ignoring me like I'd expect them to, they're all good people.

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