Chapter One

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"Pwease, no mommy and daddy." She cries, my heart just shattered right then and there.
"No sweetie. I'm not giving you back to them." I assured her. "But we need to go there to take your things for when you come live with us." I told her smiling, she gave me a big smile back. I told her to go put on her shoes from yesterday as I talked to the girls.

"You're just going to take her stuff and leave? Legally you can't do that, Lauren." Normani told me. I rolled my eyes.
"You think I don't know that? I called the police and pressed charges against them, I told them I would show them the house. They're on their way here." I told them. "She's gonna take us there and I'll try to get custody of her."


After the police got here I took Y/N into my arms and walked back to the place I had found her last night. From there on she showed us the way, which led us to a little house in a desert street. The walls outside were grey, the windows were falling apart, there was a hole in the roof and the garden was dead. It's really not the place you would picture for a little girl to live in.
The cops broke in and after a good five minutes they came back out with a man and a woman, both of them were cuffed. As soon as Y/N saw them, she hid behind my legs terrified. They both got in the vehicle and one of the police officers drove them away. The other one stayed to talk to me and watch the house.

"Thank you miss for your call. We were looking for these two for a while now." He said. I smiled. "Now the kid. Thank you for watching her for the night, but we will have to take her to a foster home for the time being." He told me. And Y/N's body stiffened.
"NOOO" She cried. I lifted her up in my arms and she clung onto me.
"Sir, I was thinking of keeping her." He looked at me weirdly. "Just to give it a try. Please. She needs a loving family and I can give her exactly that." He eyed me a few times before making a call.

We stayed there for a least twenty more minutes until another officer came with papers for me to fill, just to make it official that I would temporarily be Y/N's legal guardian.
I filled the files and then walked inside the house to take her stuff. She ran up the stairs and disappeared inside of a room.

I followed her inside and found her hugging a tiny stuffed bunny. I looked around the room to see nothing but an old and thin sheet on the floor, a paper bag and two onesies. The room was dark, the window had been sealed with planks of wood, so just a few rays of sunshine were able to get in. The walls were grey, there was no bed, just a sheet. No wardrobe, just two tiny onesies. And no toys but the little bunny. She had nothing.

"Sweetie..." I called for her and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "What's wrong?" I ran to sit by her side.
"Wook." She showed me her bunny, but there was something missing. A leg. "They bwoke him." She said in a sad tone. "They huwt him Miss Lauwen." She was now full on crying and I had no idea of what to do, so I just picked her up and held her in my arms until she calmed down.

After a few minutes she was just shaking a little and I was scanning the room trying to find the missing leg, but failed.
After Y/N stopped crying was when she fell asleep in my arms. That was also when I decided that I wasn't gonna take any of the things in the room besides the bunny. I could just buy her some new things. As I was walking down the stairs something caught my eye. It was tiny and fluffy. Laying by the kitchen table. I carefully crouched down and took the bunny's leg putting it in the pocket of my jacket. I gave the house one last look before finally leaving.


A police man drove us back to the bus where the girls awaited for us.

"So?" Camila asked as soon as I walked in.
"Well, you still have the girl. So I presume it went well?" Ally asked kind of in a rush.
"It did. The police arrested them and right now I'm her legal guardian." I smiled at them. "Well, temporarily. I still need to make it official, which takes a little longer, but for now... She's mine."

Soooo, I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting and just giving you such a short chapter. I just wanted to fill in the blank so here it is. I'm so sorry it took me so long to update. I will try my hardest to be quicker next time. But hope you guys like it. Please comment and tell me what you think, it motivates me to continue on writing it. Kiss kiss bye! 

Save Me (Adopted by Lauren Jauregui) (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now