Chapter twenty one

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[Theres still a ton of unanswered questions in this chapter, and i know i know this is probably one of my more shittier chapters, because it's so rushed. But i dont wanna feel like im begging for comments, but I wanna know if this plot twist was predictable or not, or just telling me what you think would be good too ^-^ Believe me, this isn't the end of the story, I just wanna hear some feedback and opinions about this part of the story because if it's pretty bad I won't pull anything like this again ]

"Time travel doesn't settle well with me."


You had woken up by now, and the claims that Danica were making seemed too much to take in, and Ben was let out to talk about his side of the story.

Danica was making very serious claims about her family, and who she's related to and how and why. Ben, however, was not. He was still Danica's half brother, and it's why he tagged along for the ride. She came here on terms that were completely her own, and she kept peaceful and quiet about it.

"Time travel? Sorry, but I don't exactly believe you." Jason said,taking off his red hood mask, since everybody knew who everyone was about now. Dick followed this action, though Bruce was not following the action and right after you had ripped Damians domino off of his face and made sure it went back on.

"I already gave Bruce a piece of his family chessboard that even had his own teeth marks on it from a long time ago, The chess board that's been in the f What else do you want? I knew who all of you were, and I could get out of that cell. I bet that none of you knew that existed." Danica said, shrugging her shoulders and folding her arms over her chest, her sleeve slipped down a little bit and allowed everyone to see the burn scar in the middle of her arm on the inside, what looked like the insignia that Superman has on his chest.

Bruce found this particularly interesting.

"Anybody could have made a replica-"
"A perfect replica, with your teeth marks on it?!" She yelled back, her sudden outburst caused you to jump a little where you sat in the hospital wing part of the cave.

"What is that brand for." He demanded, eyes narrowed on Danica as he pointed an index finger to her arm, ignoring the fact that what she said was right. Dick had even gone to the chess set to take out the same exact piece, bite marks and all. Everything was the same.

Danica mumbled something to herself as she prodded at her arm, asking if the burn was really that important at the moment but she answered anyways. Covering it back up, she opened her mouth to speak. She had an unamused look on her face, and a sound of annoyance and a bit of hatred tinged in her voice.

"The future that I come from is very deranged. I don't use vulgaraties much often, but Supergirl's one hell of a bitch in 40 years. Not even the same Supergirl that you all know today, but I'm just saying she isn't exactly kind to those who she makes deals with. It's a way of marking who she keeps contracts with. I needed a lot of help to get here, it took a speedster, a kyprtonian, some magic, and some other stuff that I am not oblidged to tell you. Bart told me not to say too much because it could be dangerous." Danica spoke, sitting down in a computer chair and blowing a tuft of black hair out of her face.

"Which is odd, because magic and kyptonians usually don't go along." Danica mumbled, but shrugged her shoulders.

"Either way, I'm a Wayne and what I'm doing here has to succeed or lots of innocent people die. I want to tell you more but I don't know how dangerous it is or not. As Bart would say, I'm trying to keep you 'From feeling the mode', I never really understood that until now." She said quietly, whenever she spoke about Bart she had this look in her eyes for a second that seemed painful. This entire time Ben didn't speak a word.

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