Chapter ten

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a/n: This is kinda a crappy chapter since i didn't have a draft for it down, so yeah sorry about that but her there's lots of cute fluff in here. Damian is gonna start having more interactions with the (reader) REALLY soon, so just wait okay ^-^

"Danica this isn't really the safest idea. We'd be better off taking the 34 to central city. Busses stop running at three in the morning, we still have time!" You yelled to the taller girl, who stood farther away from you. Decently far.

By yelling, you weren't signalling anger. You weren't doing this out of anger, raising your voice. No, you were yelling to be able to communicate with her. If anything, you'd gotten past the part of getting mad and just accepted the strange things she said, and did. As an example, this is one of the strange things Danica did that seemed so normal to the older girl.

"Just jump! It's not that far. If you cannot make it I'll grab your hand and pull you up." She responded, visibly leaning forward and cupping her hands around her mouth to make her voice boom out louder and reach your ears as it carried through the air. Making sure you heard exactly what it was she was saying.

You were still recovering from the memory of what had just happened a couple minutes ago. The moment the two of you had climbed up the side of the fire-escape ladder she made a run for it and jumped off the ledge of the building. At first it scared you, you even yelled out for her out of fear. But when she landed on her feet so perfectly and gracefully on the other side where another building had been there, the yell that came from your mouth turned into a sigh of relief that she was able to stick the landing. She made it look so effortless, like it was something that came natural to her. Her facial expression never changed a bit from what you saw, but you could have sworn she wore a small smile while in the air.

"Just back up pretty far. Run and then jump when your feet meet the ledge. Don't aim for my hand," She paused, leaning forward against the ledge and sitting down, extending her right hand.

"But if you misjudge your jump I'll make sure you're fine. Don't look at me, look at what's behind me." Danica finally said, scooting herself down and out of your point of view. Making sure that you could see clearly behind her instead.

"What if I look down?"
"But what if I-"
"It's dark out anyways, you wouldn't really see how high up we are."
"And that's suppose to make me feel better?!"
"Just jump!"

You yelled with your mouth shut, balling up your fists and shoving them to your sides, stomping a foot down and puffing out your cheeks like a child and wincing your eyes shut tightly. you've never done this before, and you had a good reason to be as scared as you were. You were even shaking, unable to take a step back and pace yourself so you could focus on where you were running. Or where you would be running.

You walked backwards a couple paces, inhaling slowly and exhaling just as simply. You closed your eyes and raised both arms above your head, allowing more airflow for you to really be able to feel in your body in a way to calm yourself down.

"Good. Keep doing that until you're ready." Danica mumbled to herself, knowing that she had just yelled at you to jump already but deep down, part of her wanted to see you fall. She shoved the feeling as back far down as possible, the feeling completely gone and unrecognizable as the urge went away. Maybe your constant complaining was starting to take a toll on her.

You exhaled slowly, for the last time. Stretching your right arm by pointing it upwards then reaching towards your back and pressing the tips of your fingers between your shoulder blades, repeating the same action to your left arm. This wasn't really anything useful, since you'd be running and not pushing yourself off of something with your arms. It's just something you did to de-stress yourself, that's all. And it worked.

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