Chapter fourteen

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You wished it was only the Joker who showed up to the carnival. If only it were that simple. It would have been so much easier that way. Instead, you're looking at your blood stained hands, on the ground to your knees. Holding the guilty hands that dripped in the thick, warm liquid in front of your body. You had Tears streaming down your face, no noises came out of your mouth aside from the heavy panting from your mouth. Your shoulders and chest shook heavily as sweat rolled down the sides of your face, the crackling of the fire behind you making it hard to focus.

Your left eye twitched, staring at Aloras broken arm in fear. That was the least of it though.

There was a small boulder smashed into her face, caving her skull in and smashing her brain. It killed her.

You killed her.

[hours before.]

"Wooooo! Colin put your hands up, you're suppose to!" You yelled, the air in your own face and Colin's as he gripped the safety bar in front of you two, he was the only one who agreed to go on the rollercoaster with you and he regretted his decision as soon as the first drop had happened.

His response? High pitched screams. And the pizza. And he liked roller coasters, just not this one.

You, Damian, Colin, Maria, Alora and one of Damian's brother's, Tim all had gone together. Tim was kinda forced to go, and Damian didn't seem to like it one bit. At all. If you had a dollar for every time they picked a fight, yelled at each other, or even glared. You'd be three times richer than Bruce Wayne.

Okay, not really. But the point has been made, right?

In all honesty, you've only seen Tim a few times He's really handsome, and that's putting it lightly. Yes, he's a couple years older than you. Yes, he's Damian's older brother. And yes, your girlfriend is literally standing with him right now talking about the carnival while Damian broods in the Teacup ride.

This is probably the first time you've ever had a real good look at his face too. The light blue eyes that greeted you politely, the soft smile he gave you when introducing himself. The way his hair was parted down the middle, the shiny black locks he'd sometimes move out of his eyes. He was so much more polite than Damian. You remember how Damian introduced himself, through insult.

How Tim did? Through compliment. It was so weird, to think this guy's Damian's older brother.
Don't get this wrong, you don't have a thing for him. Yeah, he's aesthetically pleasing to look at. And he's actually pretty polite, as mentioned earlier. He's just really pretty and it makes you feel weird. He's got no right being that pretty, he's literally the definition of the word "pretty boy" and you're not even going to say it because everyone knows.

While at the top of the ride, you could have sworn you saw Danica in the distance. You can't really mistake her tall, short black haired form. Even when the sun was pointed in her direction, you saw the faintest shade of (e/c) in the distance. She was with a boy though, but it was pretty hard to tell. The other person had shoulder length hair, just a little bit longer than Danica's. But it was tied back messily. So it could have been a girl. But at this distance, it was nearly impossible to tell if that was even Danica.

So you waited until you got off, leaving a puking Colin next to a trashcan right outside the exit lane of the ride. Immediately you extended a hand in the air as you ran off to go find Danica and her mystery boy, or girl. Signalling Damian that you were leaving, since he was so persistent on following you everywhere.

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