chapter twenty

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[Third person p.o,v, Damian is still in his robin costume just as everyone is all still in their masks, aside from Danica. this is mostly in Damians p.ov though] I'm also running out of some motivation for this story, so leaving comments is a really good way to help me prevent some of my writers block. This chapter also leaves a bunch of unanswered questions, which will be answered in the next two or three chapters. So if you're confused, that's perfectly fine and normal.

"Oh mother, tell your children not to do what I have done. Spend your lives in sin and misery, in the house of the rising sun."

This had been going on for a while. When Danica wasn't muttering absolutely nothing in nonsense to herself she was mumbling the lyrics to one song over and over again to herself, hunched over with her knees pulled to her chest and er face hidden to the ground. Damian found it quite annoying, in all honesty.

He'd heard the song before and was slightly fond of it, but listening to Danica repeat it like it's the only thing she truly knows is annoying. Whenever she wasn't, though. She would say how sorry she was to her mother, about how wrong she is and how she feels so terribly sorry for what she's doing. Whoever Danica's mother is, Damian knows one thing for sure, and that he pities the woman.

Sometimes Danica would pull on her hair and start screaming, in which case she'd eventually throw herself against the class walls surrounding the cell that kept her secure and away from the rest of the cave. He was convinced she was crazy, or that she had gotten a whiff of Joker gas herself.

"Mother, I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I'm terribly sorry I couldn't do anything. Father was right, he's always right." She muttered to herself, Danica was now chewing at her nails to the point the tips of her fingers were bleeding. Bruce couldn't do anything, nobody ws able to go into the cell without getting hurt. Dick was sent in to tend to Danica's wounds, assuming she was asleep. But she got up and attacked him, leaving it to Jason to yank Dick out of the cell.

Damian felt very strange around her, like he wasn't safe. It's because she was unpredictable. Sometimes she would space out like she was remembering something, even though she was. Damian didn't know that. An then a moment later she would be cool, calm, and collected. As if nothing was wrong. She'd go back to being her non-expression like self. Not a smile, not a cringe, nothing like that. Then sometimes, she would be so arrogant it bothered him. Like it rivaled Jason's arrogance, like it rivaled Damian's arrogance. Like it rivaled both of their arrogance combined. Other moments, and this was with you it seemed, whenever this happened. She would be happy. She would talk about her mother as if she just saw the woman not even five minutes ago, she would laugh at nothing, and not in the creepy way like the Joker does. She would smile, she would giggle and she would do so much.

Everything about her was strange, the way she looked similar to you. The way she seemed to have bits of Damian's own personality, almost like she's known Damian for years and tried to imitate him just to get under his skin. Just to annoy him, it seemed. There's no other possible explanation.

But there was one thing she said every here and there that made Bruce think about possibly contacting a...''friend''.

She would sometimes mention to herself about a boy named Bart, leaving no last name. But she would mention how this was his fault for not informing her about the way her memories would catch up to her. IT was only when she screamed out a last name in anger that everyone figured out who she was talking about, Bart Allen. By Allen, Bruce assumed the boy that Danica spoke of was connected to Berry somehow, as in the flash. And everyone knows one of the Flash's abilities.

Things weren't adding up especially when Ben turned himself in to GCPD when it was put out on the news that he was wanted. He st in another cell near by Danica, but he kept his mouth shut and bounced a ball off of the glass wall to make the time pass by less slowly. Every now and then he would hum the words of House of the rising sun to himself whenever Danica mumbled the words. IT seemed like a personal thing between the two. It seemed almost religious, to say it sarcastically.

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