18 | edited

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Kim Jeana

I huffed as I opened the door to the bakery. Today was a sunday, why am I working on a sunday? Because money.

Jungkook told me that he's coming later because he was having "some problems" I quote.

Once I opened the door, there were hearts decorated around the bakery walls.

"What's this?" I questioned.

The workers simply smiled at me and suddenly Jungkook stepped out and stood in front of me.

"Jeana. I know we haven't been on many dates but I couldn't resist my temptations and I wanted to ask you now," Jungkook took a deep breathe while I eyed him, "Will you be my girlfriend Jeana?"

My eyes widened and my palm covered my mouth, "Are you serious?"

Jungkook chuckled nervously, "yeah"

I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, "YES"

"She said yes!" someone hollered and everyone started cheering.

I pulled away, "You guys are taking this as if Jungkook proposed to me"

"One day" Jungkook winked at me.

"Aish, Jungkook-ah, we only became official a few seconds ago" I slapped his chest.

Jungkook smiled down at me, "We should get to work before my uncle comes"


"I agree"


We all then started doing our job as normal. I was very surprised that Jungkook actually asked me here. In front of everyone. I thought he would ask me when we're alone but no.

I'm not complaining though. I really like him and i'm happy that he's my first boyfriend. I just hope he isn't like the other guys that people in school fall in love with- disgusting, perverts, cocky.

After 6 hours, we were all done with our work and we changed shifts. I walked home with Jungkook, hand in hand.

"I promise i'll take care of you, no matter what" Jungkook tells me suddenly.

"Even if we break up?" I asked.

"Ne. Whatever it is, I will love and take care of you" Jungkook placed his arms around my shoulder.

"Jinjja? Wah.. didn't know you could be so sweet" I giggled, "I'm so lucky to have you as my first boyfriend. I never knew it would be you"

Jungkook laughed, "i'm always sweet"

I rolled my eyes, "Jungkook, can I ask you something?"

"Yes, Jagi?"

I blushed at what he called me, "Can we not tell people at school that we're official?"


I shrugged, "I don't want them to think as if i'm showing off"

"But you're not" Jungkook said. I looked up at him with puppy eyes, "okay okay. But only for a week, and then we need to tell them. I don't want boys flirting with my girl"

"Aish, i'm not even that pretty, why would they want to flirt with me?"

"Yeah, you're right. You are not pretty, I am."

I angrily shrugged his arm off and crossed my arms, "Yeah, totally"

"Aish, Jagiya, you are very, very, beautiful, araseo?"

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