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Jeon Jungkook

My heart throbbed seeing Jeana being so emotional. She used to be very strong and would keep things to herself but watching her letting go of her feelings made me even sadder. I was relieved that she didn't have to bottle up her feelings again but, it wouldn't make a difference for me and Jeana.

I had no idea why Jeana hated me so much and I badly wanted to know the truth but when I reminisced what she mentioned to me, I thought that I'm just burdening her more.

"Is my answer so important to you? Will me being your friend help you at all? I don't want to suffer being with you."

If I received the answers, how will it help me? I've never told this to anyone before because if I did, I might make things worse.

I like Jeana so much.

When we first met, I thought she would be like other girls I know who would just cling to me all the time and take advantage of me but after getting to know her more, I find her special and unique. That's when I realised that, I've started to have this happiness whenever I'm meeting her. I enjoyed her company so much and I liked how she was being herself but all of a sudden, she started avoiding me.I want to know why because I like her and I don't want to get distant from her, but it feels like I already did.

When she told me to find a girlfriend, I was devastated. I would want to tell her I'm starting to fall in love with her but I assume she wouldn't even love me back.On that day itself, I thought that if I have a girlfriend, would that make Jeana realise that our friendship was worth it?

I started searching up for someone to be my girlfriend for the meantime and I happened to came across Sabrina. Sabrina is the president of the band club which means she's pretty well known among male students. I thought that having Sabrina as my girlfriend would make me move on from Jeana but after getting to bond with her, Sabrina's personality is the same is Jeana. They're both friendly, nice, intelligent and pretty. However, Jeana's beauty seem to stand out more in my opinion.

During the encounter in the library with Jeana, I used that opportunity to scrutinize Jeana's face and that made my heart race so fast. Her eyes were big and cute, her skin was fair and flawless, her cheeks urged me to pinch them and her lips were thin and naturally tint red. I regretted not checking her out earlier because if I did, she would have been my girl.

"Did you see Jeana? She looked so tired," commented Taehyung with a glint of concern.

"Her eyes were quite puffy as well. Did she cry?"Jimin chimed in while sorting out his books into his locker.


I jumped in place when someone hollered my name. I craned my head to her and noticed Sabrina jogging towards me with a smile plastered on her face but it soon faded when she got nearer to us.

"Hey, why do you guys look so dull?"she pointed out especially on Taehyung and Jimin.

"Its about Jeana. She looked so dead,"Jimin responded.

"That's not nice Jimin. Did something happen to her?"she asked as she pouted her lips.

See, Sabrina is nice like Jeana too. How can I explain this to Sabrina without hurting her feelings?

I wanted to speak up on why Jeana's condition was different but I resisted because its something personal and I don't think Jeana would want people to know.

"I don't know, we should ask Jin. I'm going inside first so you both can enjoy some free time alone," teased Taehyung.

"Me too. Bye!"Jimin threw his arms over Taehyung's shoulder and dragged him inside the classroom.

"You stay near Jeana's house right?" asked Sabrina out of the blue. How does she know? I nodded reluctantly.

"You should take care of her since you live nearby."

My eyes widened and I tilted my head. Shouldn't she be jealous?

"W-why should I?"I asked.

"After hearing Jeana's condition, I feel like she needs a companion. Besides, I heard Jin is busy nowadays because of tests so he probably couldn't take care of her. Hmm, I should go to class now," she said as she glanced on her wristwatch.

Oh gosh, how can I hurt Sabrina's innocent heart?

"I'll send you back to class."

Sabrina halted me by putting both her hands infront of me.

"It's okay. You might be late for class.See you during lunch!" she tip-toed and pecked my cheek before leaving the place.I watched as her back body goes smaller and smaller and after awhile, she finally dissapeared from my sight. I heaved a sigh and ruffled my hair.

I'm making things worse.


"So I can't send you home?" I asked.

"It's okay, I can go home by myself.You should go home and get some rest,"she said on the other line.

I pouted and nodded my head. "Alright then.Bye~"


I ended the call and slipped my phone into my back pocket. I sighed and sauntered out of the school. My eyes happened to land on the familiar girl with long straight hair. A smile crept across my face but soon faded seeing how weak she was. I checked for vehicles before crossing the road and safely arriving at the other pavement. Should I approach her or give her some space?

I bit my lip and decided to walk behind her without approaching her since she badly wanted to avoid me.

I was about to walk towards my door after following Jeana but what shocked me was when she didn't enter her house. Instead, I continued following her.

We both ended up at a cliff. Jeana sat on the grass while staring at the sky.

I was about to take a seat beside her but she stood up again and went towards the end of the cliff, she looked down and started sobbing.

Please don't tell me what I think she's going to do. She lifted up both of her arms and looked straight up. I slowly walked towards her and when I was sure, I quickly pulled her in my embrace.

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