Preference 173- You're Best Friends & Your Boyfriend Breaks Up With You

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Your boyfriend had just broken up with you. You had seen him making out with another girl, and when you confronted him about him, he suddenly became very defensive and literally kicked you out of his house. So now you were running to the first place you could think of. Your best friend’s house. He lived not too far from your current location so that’s where you were going. You ran up his front steps and knocked on his door. A few seconds later he answered it with a smile, but it soon faded when he saw your tear stained face. “What happened to you?” he asked, grabbing your hand and bringing you inside. “(Y/BF/N) kicked me out!” you exclaimed, banging your fist on the counter. “Why?” Niall asked. “I caught him cheating on me and then when I confronted him about it, he kicked me out.” Niall reached for your hand from across the kitchen island. “Well he’s an asshole for letting you go.” “Niall…” “No (Y/N)… I’ve known from the start that he would just end up hurting you, and now look at you! I would treat you so much better than that!” As soon as those words came out of his mouth, his face turned a crimson red. “What are you saying Niall?” you asked softly. He shook off the blush and stood up straight. “What I’m saying, is that I love you (Y/N). When you got with him, my heart broke a little, but I wanted you to be happy and if it wasn’t with me, then I would have to live with that. But now that I see you upset, all I want to do is hold you and tell you it’s gonna be okay. I want to be able to kiss you and tell you how special you are to me. So please… If you give me the chance, I can treat you better than he ever did.” You were shocked. Nobody had ever said something like that to you before. “Oh my god, Niall… I love you so much.” You flung yourself into his arms and he placed a kiss to your temple and then your lips. “I love you (Y/N), you won’t regret this.”


Zayn never liked your boyfriend. He always said that if he broke your heart, he would hunt him down and give him a piece of his mind. You thought it was extreme but you knew he was being completely serious. So when your boyfriend dumped you suddenly and harshly, you didn’t tell Zayn. You were in your flat after your boyfriend went off with his other girlfriend. You were crushed. You sat on your couch with the TV on low volume and cried. You weren’t sure how long you were crying. It felt like hours. You were just calming down when there was a knock at your door. You sniffled a couple times and made sure it wasn’t obvious you were crying before answering the door. When the door was opened, there stood Zayn with his overnight bag. “Hey!” you greeted trying to be as cheerful as possible. “Hey (Y/N)! Ready for our movie night?” he asked, walking through the door and setting his stuff down on the floor. “Oh yeah! I forgot, sorry!” “No problem! You still want to have it, right?” he asked, chuckling. “Yeah! Of course, I wouldn’t miss spending time with you for the world,” you smiled a fake smile, but he believed it. “Alrighty then, do you wanna set up or get the food?” he asked. “Uh, I’ll get food, you set up,” you called, making your way to the kitchen. You prepped some popcorn and chips along with some pop. You brought it into the living room where Zayn was still setting up the blankets and pillows. You then went upstairs to change into your pajamas. When you walked back downstairs, Zayn already had his on and was sitting on the floor snacking on some chips. He smiled and pat the spot next to him, signalling for you to sit down. You did, and the previews for the movie came on. “So what’s (Y/BF/N) up to tonight?” You froze. You didn’t want to cry in front of Zayn but you felt the tears begin to well up. “Uh… h-he’s out with a friend as well tonight,” you stuttered out. “Oh? Okay.” “Excuse me one second,” you said, getting up heading towards the bathroom. As soon as you shut the door, the waterworks turned on. You couldn’t help it. You thought he loved you. There was a knock on the door. “(Y/N), are you okay? You sound like you’re crying.” Another sob accidentally slipped through your lips and Zayn automatically opened the door. “(Y/N)! Are you okay babe?” he asked, giving you a hug. “(Y/BF/N) broke up with me today… he said there was another girl and then just walked out.” Zayn’s sympathetic face turned into pure rage. “What?! That fucking asshole!! I’m gonna kill him!” Zayn started to yell. “Zayn…” you spoke quietly. He turned his head to see you in a fragile state. “Please don’t leave me tonight Zayn, I need you.” His face returned to sympathy as he knelt down to your level and pulled you against his shirt. You inhaled his scent and began to calm down. He spoke. “Let me prove to you that not all men are assholes. I love you so much (Y/N), more than a friend.” You didn’t pull away, you just nodded your head violently and gripped tighter. “I love you so much Zayn,” you murmured into the fabric of his shirt. The both of you were holding each other as tight as you possibly could. “Shall we go and watch our movie?” he offered. “I’d love that.” And for the first time that day, you cracked a real smile. Zayn kissed you and led you back to the living room, where in the end, you knew Zayn was always the one for you.


Louis was there when it happened. The two of you were going over some song lyrics that Louis had written for their new album. “These are really good!” you complimented him. “Of course they are! Did you have any doubts?” he joked. You giggled and then your phone buzzed, alerting you that you had a new text message. “OOH, is that (Y/BF/N)?” Louis asked. You chuckled and opened the text. Your face fell when you read it. ‘I think we need a break. I just don’t feel anything anymore. Bye (Y/N)…’ “Who was it?” Louis asked. Hearing the seriousness in his voice, you decided to tell him. “(Y/BF/N) just broke up with me… over fucking text!” you said, raising your voice. “Oh hun, I’m so sorry,” he replied, rubbing your back soothingly. “Who the hell has the fucking nerve to break up with me over text? It’s incredibly rude! He is such a jackass!” you yelled. “Hey, calm down, there’s no need to get upset.” “NO NEED? LOUIS, LAST NIGHT I GAVE HIM THE ONLY THING I CAN’T TAKE BACK! HE TOOK MY VIRGINITY AND THE NEXT DAY BREAKS UP WITH ME!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I FEEL LIKE SHIT RIGHT NOW?” He nodded, agreeing with you. “It’s not fair Lou, he can’t do this to me…” you whispered. The tears began to fall rapidly down your cheeks. Louis pulled you into a comforting hug and kissed the top of your head. The two of you sat there for a while before you pulled away. You looked at Louis and just did it. You leaned in quickly and kissed him but pulled back just as quickly. “Oh, god… Louis I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean that!” “(Y/N)…” “Oh shit! I probably just screwed our whole friendship. Oh god…” “(Y/N)!” he said a bit louder. You stopped your rambling and looked at him. “It’s okay…” He gave you a warm smile. “Although, might I say you’re a very good kisser,” he teased. A small smile played at your lips. “I love you Lou…” you blurted. “I love you, and let me show you how a real man treats a women.” You giggled and kissed him again. You finally felt safe.

AN: Hey guys, school starts the day after the next again. So this preference book will be finished by Friday at the latest. Then I can concentrate on my writings and get lots written before I have to hand my laptop back in. 





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