C h a p t e r 12: Don't hurt her

Start from the beginning

"Hello? What the hell is this? Is it a joke?" he cried, hoping someone will listen.

But no one did...

He looked everywhere, trying to find a sign of living.

If there was no window, the place would've been all dark, scary.

What am I going to do? Valencia... is she in danger too?

He sighed, thinking about what possibly had happened...

After a while, he noticed that he's no longer wearing his glasses. He froze in his place, which is obvious.

Did they catch me? Did they figure that I was taking pictures of them?

The blood in his veins turned to ice, and his mind starts creating horrible scenarios that could happen, not to him... but to Valencia...

He had a real bad feeling about it, but he decided to remain silent for the moment.

The door gets opened, with a lot of noisy sounds, showing two guys; two big scary guys.

As much as he has a good body, we can never compare Declan to those two men.

"So our superhero is awake." The first one said, amused by Declan's expressions.

"Let the fun begin." The other one added.

Declan was frowning, scared. His teeth were chattering and his feet were trembling. But he tried his best to stop it from showing them that he's not scared.

"Yo! Show him that thing..." Declan looked at him to see what they were talking about to see his glasses.


"So... can we make this quick? Why were you taking pictures of the men who're working in the restaurant?"

Declan didn't say a word. He didn't know what to say, he didn't want to speak, it'll put Valencia in danger... he promised that he'll handle it.

I promised...

"I have a blog and I was going to write about the restaurant and the service." His lips were shaking when he said it.

The man in front of him starts laughing before stopping all of a sudden, wearing a very angry expression.

"Listen to me boy, if you think that lying will get you anywhere, you're wrong in so many ways; it's a rule of life. We're not some stupid people here. If you were doing what you're claiming to, you would bring a camera with you... and you wouldn't be taking pictures, secretly, only of the people who're working there. Do you want another rule? Don't lie when you know that you're already screwed up."

And the last word he pronounced was followed by a strong slap that made Declan's neck turns in one-hundred eighty degrees.

The slap was burning, and Declan was scared.

"So you're going to answer us or not?"


Valencia was sitting in her class. Asta was sitting next to her. Ronnie and Tanya were one year older, which means they weren't in the same class.

"So... you barely spoke to me since you get in here. Are you avoiding me?" questioned Asta worried.

Valencia turned to face her.

It would be such a shame if I said yes, she's a nice girl.

"No Asta... I just feel uncomfortable. I didn't get enough rest since I came here... and here I am in the University..." She sighed, looking away.

Yeah, here I am with new problems...

"I get it, don't worry university is fun... I barely study except in weekends. That's how it works." Asta smiled, trying to comfort her.

"You know, you should come with me to the cafeteria after this class, which ends in ten minutes. We'll meet up with Ronnie and Tanya... where is Declan by the way?" added Asta.

I guess this girl has swallowed a radio when she was young.

"I don't know... I'll call him later." Valencia answered simply. She'll call him when she gets home since she left her phone there.

Asta nodded and both of them focused on the professor who's babbling about the DNA and the proteins in the chromosome.


"You boy, you're stronger than I thought." One of the two men mocked before giving Declan another punch in the stomach.

He just bitten his lips so he doesn't cry.

They've been doing in for hours, and he was all covered in bruises. He didn't know how much longer he'll bear.


"Calm down man." The other one said before turning to face Declan. "Speaking of your mother... where is she now? In Canada right? Like in Regina?" he grinned.

Declan's eyes winded.

"Don't look at me like that! I have my ways of finding information." He put his hands in his pocket before taking out Declan's phone. "How can you be so stupid to put a code like that one? Even I knew it."

Declan looked at him in absolute horror.

"Please don't hurt her..." he begged while feeling all his skin burns because of the punches he got.

"Oh our stubborn guy turned into a softy now... you're worried about your mother mama-boy?" he teased him before kicking the chair, making Declan fall on the ground along with it.

"Your mum will be safe if you answered the question. Who sent you?"  


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