The Blood of Olympus

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So here it is...The Blood of Olympus, and I'm guessing it's the final book in the Heroes of Olympus. If so, which I'm thinking it is-this will only be ONE book, but hopefully fairly long. The updates may take a little longer also.


Percy and Annabeth have made it out of Tartarus alive and fairly unscathed, while Nico, Coach Hedge, and Reyna are heading to Camp Half-Blood with the Athena Parthenos to stop the arising civil war in between the two camps.

The Seven on the Argo II who have fourteen days to reach Athens, Greece where the Giants plan to rip the roots of Olympus out.

The Seven of Great Prophecy embark on another deadly journey, buts it's now a game of chance whether or not they survive till the end.

Annabeth Chase

There's something called talent and then there's luck. When she impaled the venti in its only weak spot, she knew it was luck. The golden dust rained over her, sprinkling her hair the second it was sent back to Tartarus. Another venti swooped over the deck of the Argo, it landed in the crows nest before cackling at the crew below it. Annabeth watched as Jason flew up to crows nest and killed the venti with a few swipes of his sword.

She turned her attention away from Jason who was slowly floating down to the unconscious Hazel. Earlier, in the fight, she had been thrown by the venti, and landed against the railing of the ship, hitting hard, almost falling overboard into the sea which laid below them.

"Is she alright?" Piper asked next her Annabeth.

"She'll be fine." Frank spoke with a grunt as he bent down to pick up Hazel to bring her to the sickbay.

Annabeth watched as Frank carried Hazel below deck, before facing Percy. She felt a warm arm wrap around her shoulders and squeeze them. She grinned up at Percy who was only two inches taller then she was. Looking into Percy's eyes was something for sure, but she could just tell that something was off about them. They seemed scared. Annabeth knew Tartarus had left them both in haze, and they both knew that it was horrible.

She couldn't help but feel lucky. In her stay-eighteen days to be exact, she had seen things that were horrible, but she had also seen things that warmed her heart-such as Bob and Small Bob and Damasen. Then there were the horrible things again, the hoards of monsters that were around every single space of the place, the stench, the toxic air, and famine they faced the nine days falling. The thing Annabeth remembered the most were the arai blinding her. Sure she hadn't been able to see for several minutes, but it was the scariest thing yet. She had been blind, in Tartarus.

"You okay?" Percy asked Annabeth snapping her out of her thoughts.

"I'm fine, just thinking. Don't worry about me." Annabeth kissed Percy's nose before sauntering off to her room to get some shut eye before she was due on guard duty.

She laid in bed for what was only a moment before she felt the ship tremble from under her. Annabeth quickly moved from her bed, taking a spare knife she had in her room (a daughter of Athena is always prepared) before running to the top deck.

It was another monster attack, this time gryphons. They came in flocks of six. There were at least a dozen surrounding the ship and countless others that weren't currently visible.

It was only her and Leo on deck to take care of the dozen gryphons. Annabeth began to formulate a plan, but nothing came to her. For the first time in her life Annabeth Chase had to wing it. She drew her knife and flipped it over in her hand a few times. The knife felt like a foreign object in her hand, it was light and the handle wasn't broken in, so the leather grip left blisters. Turning her gaze to Leo, she watched him pulled the Archimedes Sphere from his tool belt. Annabeth attacked the first gryphon. It was coming at her in a neck-breaking speed towards the deck of the Argo II. The gryphon landed on the deck, reared up flashing it's razor claws, and roared.

It charged towards Annabeth using the same speed. She rolled to the side as she heard an explosion from over where Leo was standing. She kept her attention on the gryphon, Leo was a big boy and he could handle his own battles.

The gryphon above her dove down, barely missing her head. She had ducked a little late nearly causing her own decapitation. Slashing it in one motion, she brought the spare knife down on the gryphon's neck, killing it.

One down eleven more to go, she thought. An explosion went off in her right ear. She whipped her head around and saw that Leo himself had caused it. The explosion had sent two gryphons spiraling down to the patch of ocean they were passing over.

Turning attention towards the incoming threaten the gryphon she ducked once again under the talons of the bird. It squawked as it missed its designated targets and ran its self into the mast. The gryphon swerved back around towards Annabeth ready to kill her.

She was ready before the gryphon, though. She brought her knife up to it, stabbed it in the stomach, ending its days on earth. She moved around on deck, waiting for the next attack, but it never came. The remaining eight gryphon were flying away from the ship in defeat.

Annabeth knew that the victory was only one among many. There were things such as defeat that they had to worry about. She had lost battles in her life before, but she had always managed to be on the winning side of the wars. The things that truly matter aren't the battles, but rather the whole war.

Annabeth was brought out of her thoughts by footsteps, "And that my friend is how you kill a gryphon." Leo's voice rung in her ears.

"I guess so." Annabeth sighed before walking from Leo.

Both demigods, Leo and Annabeth were on guard duty for the time being. She turned away from Leo who was walking around on deck like an idiot, and turned her attention to the ocean passing below them.

It was a good thing she did too.

"Sea Monster on the starboard side and it's huge."

• • •

And here's the first chapter of The Blood of Olympus.

Like always here's a disclaimer: (this is the only one) I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or The Heroes of Olympus, those rights belong to Rick Riordan and only Rick Riordan.

I'm hoping I'll get chapter two up today, but that's a big what if.

• Alex •

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