Jean and Ollie

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"Well ok then," Olympia turned and shoved the paper into her bags. "Seems I have a two year old to take care of."

Before Olympia could get him, Harry had run out of the dungeons and in to the great hall, where lunch was being served. He had run in with a group of Ravenclaws, so naturally sat with them at their table.

"Who are you?" one asked as Harry sat down with them.

"I Harry Snape!" He declared.

Across the table a fifth year heard them, "Hey, I heard about this kid. This is the Harry Potter, but turns out his father is Snape."

"The Harry Potter?" one said.

"Well yeah, can't you see his scar?" another replied.

"You read?" Harry asked.

A another girl came and sat down next to him, "Yes, I read." Harry turned to her.  She pulled a book from her bag. "The Hitchhikers Guide the Galaxy. Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea."

Harry interrupted, "Who you?"

"I am Jean Lavinia." she looked down at Harry.

"Pretty name," Harry told her. Jean just smiled and continued.

About an hour later, Professor McGonagall saw hordes of students crowding around a small spot at the Ravenclaw table.

"What is going on here?" she asked as soon as she got over. She saw Harry Potter, now Harry Snape with cake all over his face and listening to a first year reading a muggle book. Students of all tables and ages were listening to the story, and watching the boy.

"We were just reading, and Harry got messy." Olympia Adams told her.

"Why is he not with Severus?" McGonagall asked.

"He ran out the door when I opened it to ask him a question and Professor did not care. He said he was not Harry's legal guardian and would not care about Harry for anything short of death." Olympia looked right in McGonagalls eyes, " I will not take him back to a man who said he would not care about him for anything short of death, and you will not take him."

"He will have to go back some time." Minerva said. All the students had heard the story and crowded around Harry.

"No, you won't." Olympia said. "My friend heard Mr. Black and Mr.Lupin talking about it. Come eight we will give him to them. I will not give him back now." Olympia looked McGonagall straight in the eye. "Not to"

"I done." Harry said. McGonagall rolled her eyes and went back to the staff table.

"Okay Harry, do you want to go to the library?"Olympia asked.

"Yes yes! Jean come! Jean come!" Harry yelled.

"I will come" Jean told Harry.

"Yes!" Harry yelled and clapped his hands together, "Jean Lavinia come!" The three of them walked to the library and walked up the librarians desk.

"We would like some muggle novels for Harry here." Olympia said.

"Dear Merlin! Is that Harry Potter?" Madam Pince asked.

"No!" Harry yelled.

"I do suppose you would still call him that. It was recently learned that James Potter was not in fact Harry's father, but that Severus Snape, our resident Potions master is. There so, we have now changed his name to Harry Snape. Harry despises it when people use the incorrect name." Jean told her.

"Severus is Harry's father?" Pince repeated.

"Yes, we did just tell you that, are you deaf? We would like to know were the muggle novels are, as Harry does enjoy them," Olympia said.

"Smaug! Roar!" Harry yelled, "Roooooar!"

"Harry quiet!" Jean whispered, "This is a library."

"Rooooar," Harry whispered, "Smaug."

"Straight, turn left, turn right at the third turn." Madam told them. Jean lead the way and grabbed the first three books out of the section.

They read for hours, Harry having to be quieted down a few times from excitement. "I hungry," Harry said.

"Well Jean, it is six pm, we should get him dinner than hand him off to Mr. Black and Mr. Lupin," Olympia said.

"Moy pafo!" Harry yelled and stood up.

"Harry quiet." Jean mumbled, "Shhh." Harry stood up and with Olympia and Jeans help went to the great hall, where most of the students were.

The staff rarely showed up for lunch, but most were there for dinner, and so were unaware of the boy. Severus also was at the staff table, but left as soon as Harry walked in with the girls.

They sat down at the Ravenclaw table, and Olympia, though a Gryffindor, sat with them.
It must have spread over Hogwarts the news about Harry, so they got by with out any questions until Sirius and Remus came.

"Severus ditched him right?" Remus sighed.

"Yeap," said Ollie, "Said, and I quote, Who not care what happens to him short of death."

"I am going to kill that slimy.." Sirius started and Remus elbowed him.

"This is a school." He hissed.

"Yeah yeah." Sirius said, picking up Harry. "Let's just go."

They walked out and quickly appeared back to above the book shop. Remus put Harry to bed and walked out into the kitchen.

"Not going back to him?" Sirius asked.

"No, Harry will be taken care of by us off the rest of his life, no matter what Dumbledore says," Remus said.

Harry SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now