The Start

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By the way, Peter is still dead but the Sirius is out of Azkaban. Soooooo. And he and Moony own a book shop called Wolf Books near where Harry is , just in case. And they are not together. Yet.

Sirius Black was pissed. "Remus!" he yelled, stomping into Wolf Books.

"Padfoot, you will scare away the costumers if you don't be quiet!" Remus Lupin scolded.

    "This is more important!" Sirius barked, "This is about Harry!"

"What did you do?" Remus questioned. People were starting to leave the shop, not wanting to hear a fight.

    "I went to their house and Remus, uhh." Sirius sighed.

"Did you skip the PTSD medicine again? It does work, and when you don't take it you go back to panicking about Peter and James. It has been a 10 months. We will never get over it but we have to stop." Remus told him. People with in ear shot had scurried out of the small shop, which was every person in the building.

    "They were starving him Moony. They were treating him like every drink was a treat and every scrap was made of gold." Sirius practically screamed.

    The stack of books in Remus's arms fell to the ground. "No!" he whispered, "They were supposed to care for him."

    "Are you not glad now that we moved near to him?" Sirius said.

    "Not the time Padfoot, not the time! We have to get him!" Remus yelled, grabbing the shop keys. He ran out the door with Sirius and locked the door before running towards the neighborhoods around the shop district.

    "Moony!" Padfoot yelled, jogging behind him "You need to calm down!"

"Right, I am acting like you." Moony sighed, "I need to take this slowly."

    "Hey!" Sirius said in mock hurt, "How can you be so cruel!"

"Shut up please," Remus whined, "We need to fix this."

    "Well, we could just walk up and ask for him. If they are starving him they will not be to grabby." Padfoot offered.

    "Well, we could try it." Moony said, with a sigh, "It would not hurt."

"If not, we could just steal him." Sirius joked.

    "And your back," Remus sighed again, walking in the direction of the house.

    "I never left," Sirius told him. They quickly walked to the house, not wanting to seem like they had run and were in a panic, as Petunia was not the type of person to enjoy that.

    They stood on the doorstep of the house and Sirius raised his hand to knock on the door. "No wait, we need papers," Remus paused, and plucked a flower making it in to a stack of papers. "Look a bell," Remus said, pushing it. DING DONG. A brass sound echoed around the small space.

    The door creaked open. "What do you want?" A large man behind the door said. "No solicitors."

    "We want Harry." Sirius growled," It seems you have been starving him."

    "Petunia," The man turned around and yelled, "they want the brat!"

    A shrill voice screeched back, "Let them have him." Soon enough a long faced woman came back with a black haired toddler with bright green eyes in her arms. His face was gaunt, his frail arms a touch away from breaking. The child let out a small yell, perhaps remembering these men from a time when he was loved. Remus shoved the already signed papers to him and a pen. The mans hand writing scrawled across the paper and Remus grabbed the papers back, shoving them in his bag.

    "What have you been doing to him?" Sirius barked, Remus holding the small boy, "He is starved!" In place of replying, he woman shoved a meager outfit into Sirius's arms, slamming the door in front of their faces. The boy screeched yet again, and struggled in Remus's arms.

    "No! No!" Harry yelled, "Down now! Down now!"

"Is this it?" Sirius asked Remus, holding up a small torn shirt and fraying pants.

    "Must be. Do you think he can walk?" Remus said, the boy screeching.

    Sirius shrugged, "Let him try." Remus placed Harry on the ground, and Harry started to toddle as fast as he could away from them. He tried to jump down the steps but fell, letting out a cry, but turned silent as soon as he noticed the men staring at him. He slowly scooted backwards on his bottom, to the edge of the next step.

    "So he can, just not steps," Sirius confirmed, picking up my Harry, "Why is he not crying?"

    "Could be that crying got him severely punished." Remus said, taking Harry from Sirius, "We should take him back to the shop, then you can go out and get the proper supplies."

    "Fine," Sirius sighed, not happy that he was the one that had to go shopping, "Let's go." The carried a struggling Harry back to the shop, with more than a few worried glares from passerby. As they stepped in the closed shop, Remus set Harry down. Harry scampered away from them, Remus trail after.

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