Severus is an ass

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Remus Lupin awoke to an owl bashing on his window. He got up and collected a letter, of which the contents of made him hang his head in his hands.

He walked out of his bedroom to see Sirius in the kitchen with Harry, making coffee and cereal. "Every Saturday at eleven, we have to hand Harry off to Severus until eight pm. Dumbledores orders."

Sirius stopped moving. "Today is Saturday."

"We will meet him at Hogwarts," Remus said.

"Meet Everus?" Harry asked.

"Yes, meet Severus." Remus confirmed.

"No Daddy." Harry said, " Daddy mean."

"I am never going to get over him calling our enemy that." Sirius turned to Remus.

Remus checked his watch to see how many hours they had. "It is ten!" Remus exclaimed, "Did I sleep that long?"

"You must be stressed over something, wonder what it is?" Sirius asked, grabbing Harry's shoes off the floor and pulling his own on. Remus was already fully ready so he ran out the door.

"I am glad we are closing the shop for the week," Remus said. Sirius nodded and held Harry. A whirlwind formed around them making Harry scream and they arrived in the middle of Hogsmeag. It was filled with people, but they got by with out any trouble. The real problem started when they tried to go up to Hogwarts.

"Hi!" Harry yelled to everyone, making some of the Hogwarts students come over to look at the small boy.

"I Harry Potter," He told the group of girls around him gasp.

"Harry, remember what I told you." Sirius warned.

"Oh. Name change. No Harry Potter. Harry Snape." The girls gasped and stepped back.

"The Harry Potter's real last name is Snape," One of them asked.

"Yes, and his real father is your teacher, Severus Snape," Remus said. The girls gasped and stepped back a little more from Harry who was getting worried.

The men stepped past and Harry yelled, "Bye Bye," to the girls behind him with a smile, earning weak waves from them, which made him giggle.

They walked up to the castle to be greeted by Professor McGonagall, who was watching them come up the hill to the castle.

"What are you doing back?" Minerva snapped.

"Minne!" Harry yelled, earning giggles from the surrounding students. Minerva rolled her eyes.

"Dumbledore said we have to come here to hand Harry off the Severus." Sirius told her.

"Why ever would you hand James's son to Severus, he hates you,  so naturally the boy?" McGonagall asked.

"That's the thing Minne," Sirius started, "Harry is not James's son."

"What ever do you mean?" Minerva gasped.

"Everus Daddy!" Harry smiled, "Daddy today. Albie say." Minerva stood there in shock, as well as the students with in ear range.

"No," she gasped, "He never told us.

"He did not know," Remus said, "My favorite part is the fact that Harry calls Dumbledore, 'Albie.'

Minerva was obviously not going to say any more, so they went past her, into Hogwarts.

They walked down stairs to the dungeons, Harry making every student they talk to gasp and step back. It would be all over the school by the day's end. When they got to Severus's office, Harry refused to go thorough the door.

"No, No!" Harry yelled as Remus opened the door. Severus was in there making another potion.

"What do you want?" Severus hissed at them as soon as they got in, "And what is the boy doing here?"

"Albus said that you were to take care of him every Saturday from eleven am to eight pm," Sirius said, "And if you dare mistreat him I will destroy you Snilivous."

"Pafo, no mean!" Harry scolded, "Nice! Nice!"

"I never knew that I was to take care of the boy," Severus growled, "Albus never told me."

"His name is Harry, not the boy, and I am sorry that he never told you but he told us. Now you will be taking Harry for the day." Remus commanded.

"Fine," Severus grumbled. Remus put Harry on the ground and Harry walked over to the steaming potion. They left Harry before he or Severus could do anything, the door slamming behind them.

Harry stood on the chair and tried to put his hand in the potion, but Severus pulled it away before he could do anything. "No you insolent dolt. If you touch that your hand will turn to ash."

"Daddy! I touch!" Harry whined.

"Do not call me that insufferable name. Now sit down and keep quiet." Severus hissed.

Harry sat down on the chair. He looked Severus right in the eye and slid down from the chair, and backed away, looking Severus in the eye the whole time. Harry turned around and started to run away, into the room full of potions ingredients. It was a messy place, crates of lacewig fly wings, and frogs were scattered around in small stacks. Unfortunately, this was the perfect place for Harry to hide.

"No Daddy! No stay!" Harry squealed and ran deeper into the room.

"Do not call me that!" Severus barked, peering around another crate.

"Uh Professor?" A voice came from outside the door, "I have a question about the homework?"

"Yes," Professor Snape, came out of the room and opened the door. A short, stick thin third year stood there, a long roll of parchment in her hand.

"When you make a Hiccuping potion, it makes sense to stir two times in place of three, but the book says three, so which should I..." The girl stopped. "Who is that?" Harry had poked his head out the potion ingredients room door.

"I Harry Potter," Harry walked up to the girl.

"The Harry Potter?" The girl looked at Severus who nodded.

"No!" Harry yelled. "No Harry Potter! No! Everus Daddy! Harry Snape! Who you?"

"Wait a second....Is he your father," She pointed to Severus.

"Everus Daddy. Who you?" Harry asked.

"I am Olympia Adams." the girl nodded.

"Bye bye Daddy!" Harry yelled and ran out the open door.

Severus just stood there and sighed, "Are you not going to get him?" the girl asked.

"I did not know about him until yesterday, and I am not his legal guardian. I don't care about the boy and as long as he does not die, I am will continue to not care. And yes, you should write two stirs, the book is wrong." Severus slammed the door in the girls face.

"Well ok then," Olympia turned and shoved the paper into her bags. "Seems I have a two year old to take care of."

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