Chapter four

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There was silence. CRACK. Sirius had punched Severus in the face. "Sectumsempra!" he yelled, his wand pointed at wandless Sirius. Sirius fell to the ground huge cuts forming all over him.

"Everus mean! Pafo! Pafo!" Harry was crying for Padfoot and Severus had left the room. Harry squirmed out of Remus's arms and ran out of the room chasing after Severus.

Harry tumbled down the many stairs running in to Severus who was at the bottom of them. "Everus you mean jerk," Harry struggled. He was lying on the ground barely breathing, cuts all over him. Some bone was poking out of his leg, a trail of blood on the staircase.  Harry tried to stand up, but just hit the ground again. "No Everus, go." Harry wheezed.

As much as Severus wanted to let the brat die, it would be hard to defeat the Dark Lord without him. Severus hastily snatched up a crying Harry with large bruises, cuts and broken bones. The Headmasters staircase was long, and Harry had no way to break each fall.

As much as Harry would have liked to stay and fight Severus, it was no more than a few steps before he lost the battle of staying awake.

Severus quickly got Harry to Madam Pomfrey, getting more than a few quizzical looks from the students.

"This fool fell down every single stair of Headmasters office." Snape growled, shoving the heavily bleeding Harry to Madam Pomfrey.

"Severus! Why is there a bleeding toddler in my arms!" Pomfrey yelled.

"Because he fell down the stairs and I could not just let him die now could I. That is the famous Harry Potter after all." Severus sighed.

"This is the famous Harry Potter!" Madam Pomfrey quickly put the boy down and started to attend to him. This toddler was one of the most important people of their world.

"Everus," Harry mumbled. Madam Pomfrey looked at him in shock. Severus shrugged just as a Sirius, Remus and Albus came in the room.

"I must be going," Severus said quickly, and almost sprinted out of the room.

A fully healed Sirius came in and sat on Harry's bed. "I fixed his bones and bruises so he should be good to leave."Remus nodded and walked out holding Harry, Sirius behind him.

"Albus," Madam Pomfrey asked, "Why was Harry Potter in our school?" Albus was sure that Severus had Voldemort's full faith so there was no point in hiding it.

"Because Poppy, I had to tell them of Harry Potters true heritage. His father is not James Potter, and the world will now know who it truly is." Albus sighed.

"Who Albus?" Poppy inquired.

"Severus Snape," Albus said and left the room, leaving a very shocked woman behind him.

When they got back to Wolf Books, it was almost eight'oclock, time for Harry's bed.

When Harry was changed and all tucked in Harry asked them, "Why Everus hurt Pafo?"

"Because I hurt Severus," Sirius said.

"Why Pafo hurt Everus?" Harry questioned.

"Because I did not like that he was your father." Sirius told him.

"Everus Daddy?" Harry asked.

"Yes, Severus is your father." Remus said shakily.

"Why no Everus now," Harry questioned.

"Because we will be taking care of you for hopefully the rest of your life. For Lily." Sirius said.

"And for you Harry. Because you are a nice, kind.."

"Going to be Gryffindor," Sirius interrupted.

"Smart boy, so we will keep you." Remus told him.

"Like Mooy and Pafo, Like Mooy and Pafo." Harry said, before falling asleep.

"Are we really going to keep him." Sirius asked, "Snivillous is his father."

"Yes. I have known Harry for most of his life, and I know he is a good person. I can trust he will not turn out like Severus." Remus said, walking to his bedroom, "And if we let him go, who knows what could happen to the boy who lived."  Sirius nodded and walked away.

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