Chapter 10

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I was officially committed to Rizwan now and had no idea how to feel about it. I felt blackmailed into the relationship, thought I tried to shake that feeling away but it lingered at the back of my mind. I always had a belief in soul mates. That someone somewhere was made just for me. I had never thought how that someone would be. I just knew that everything would work out when that someone came into my life. I would know somehow that he is the one.

 I did feel attracted to Rizwan and thought that was love but looking back now, it felt like a childish infatuation. May be the attraction was the indication. May be he was my soul mate, may be... My head felt being hammered from both sides. I decided not to think about the matter anymore and let it take its own course. Pushing all the thoughts aside, I tossed around the bed to sleep and finally succeeded after an hour long battle.

Next day, during study session at home, he asked me to call dad as he wanted to talk to him. I worried what it might be but he assured me that it was about my studies. Dad wasn't at home so I called mom.

"Assalamualaikum, How are you?" Rizwan asked

"I am fine, allhamdulillah," mom replied. "How are you? What is it you wanted to talk?"

"As you know, Maria's final exams are near. I was thinking to guide her on other subjects as well."

"It's so nice of you." mom said smiling.

"But thing is..." he hesitated, "you are very well aware that my home is an hour long commute from here but only ten minutes from school. If you think it would be appropriate I want you to send Maria to my place, directly from school."

Before mom could say anything he continued "I can give Maria more time to concentrate on other subjects as well".

Mom contemplated for a minute and replied that she will discuss with dad and let him know.

I gave him a questioning look after mom went inside, "What was that all about?"

"We can spend more time alone and we need not be afraid of anyone coming in or listening to our conversations. If they ask you if you need extra time to study, you agree." He demanded.

I simply nodded unable to know what to say. I had already decided that I would go with the flow and now I was not going to go back.

As Rizwan had asked I said yes when my parents asked me if I needed extra time.

"We know Rizwan. I think we can trust him." Dad wondered

"But still, he lives alone." Mom gave words to her apprehension.

"I know but it's the matter of her studies. I would have said no if it was for any other reason and besides, Rizwan teaches at school also. There is less time left for her exams. We should let her go." Dad suggested.

"But...." the hesitation in mom was evident on her face. 

"It will be all fine," dad said holding her hand, "don't let your inhibitions hinder her studies. She has improved a lot since she started taking tuition and I want her to do well in her boards. It's a matter of her whole life."

"Okay" mom reluctantly agreed taking away her hand from dad's grasp but it was clear she didn't think it was a good idea that I should go to his home and neither did I.

I went anyway.

He had clearly given me instructions to his home. I was unsure of telling this arrangement to my friends, so I kept quiet. I went directly from school to his home. It was a small two bedroom flat on second floor of an apartment, not far from school. I rang the bell and stood at the door, million thoughts running through my mind. He held the door open for me as I walked in. It was immaculate, not a freckle of dust was seen anywhere. I wondered how he managed to keep it that way, comparing to my room, my room felt shabby. I voiced my thoughts and complimented him on it. He admitted that he was a cleanliness freak.

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