Chapter 3

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 I am alone in a garden with beautiful flowers of every color and a lone tree at the end, sky is clear with sun beaming at the flowers when I hear a voice call out my name.


Turning around I find no one.


It calls again, this time I realize it's coming from the tree. I walk towards it and grey clouds appear in the sky making me to stop.

"Maria."  I hear it again, a man comes out from behind the tree. He seems handsome, angelic and I begin to walk towards him when thunders begin in the sky and once beautiful flowers wilt and fall. I am standing near him now; his face is not visible as clouds had covered the sun completely. He offers his hand and I hesitate to take it. He grabs it by force and a lightning reveals his face, ashen with blood red eyes. He is a devil. "I got you" he says grinning at me. Panic grips me  and I try to jerk my hand away from his but he is relentless. Gathering my strength, I shove him but my foot slips and I begin to fall. There is no ground beneath me and I fall into an abyss where I  see only darkness with no end.

I woke up drenched in sweat and panting for breath. It was unusual. My dreams were rare and never such horrific. I tried to make sense from it but failed. The dream had left me shaken, like every mother; mom noticed my discomfort at the breakfast.

"What happened?" she asked


"You seem bothered"

"Had a bad dream" I shrugged.

"It's  a dream, pray to god whatever it is to never become a reality" mom said stroking my hair.

 I was the one which turned my dream into reality. I just didn't know I was doing it.

"Get going now," mom said, "you will be late otherwise." She gave me my lunch box. Dad had left early for the office so I took a cab to the school. Every day my first class was mathematics taken by Mr.Rizwan. And every day I found myself lost in his charm. He had an easy way with us, never too harsh, never too polite. He had a different method of teaching too; he involved us and made sure we understood before he proceeded to another topic unlike others who just rambled throughout the class not even bothering to stop, to assess our understanding. Soon he had become our favorite teacher and was popular among his colleagues too.

He had a peculiar habit of keeping his pen dangling from his mouth when shuffling through papers and I was busy noticing how well his teeth were aligned when our eyes met, I dropped my eyes the instant, and worried he might see the crush I have on him. He slowly walked near my seat and my heartbeat increased with his each step.

"Maria" he called out my name

And I brought my eyes, working my way up from his perfect torso, the lean neck, his clean shaven cheeks, the perfect teeth and lips I was admiring a minute ago, to the mole on his nose at the bridge then his deep blue eyes. I wondered how anyone could be so flawless. Then his lips moved but I wasn't listening. I was lost.

"Maria" he tapped on my desk.

"Yes, sir" I murmured.

"Have you done it?" He asked

I got confused, "What?" I asked in return

"I just gave you a problem to solve" he said calmly

I was lost in your charm to listen to your words I wanted to say but thank goodness I didn't. I turned my pages to and fro to act as if I solved the problem. He stood there, arms crossed in front of him, observing me with  keen eyes as I continued my act. Not knowing what else to do, I stopped when I realized it wasn't going to work and just dropped my gaze not uttering a word.

"So you didn't?" He asked.

I moved my head in a no.

"Then why were you acting as if you did? There's one thing Maria" he said gravely "I hate lies."

Embarrassment flooded me like water floods a sinking ship. The whole class eyes were on me and I couldn't look at him or anyone anymore.

"Look at me" he said, I scolded myself to look up.

"I am forgiving you this time," he warned, "never lie again to me, even if you didn't do your work."

I nodded.

"You may sit now". He said and continued to the next problem.

I stopped tears from falling in the class, as the bell rang I directly ran to the washroom and let them out. It hurt me, I don't know why. He hadn't said anything mean but still I couldn't stop my tears. Farah and Uzma came after me.

"Hey what happened"? Uzma asked concerned

"Nothing" I said wiping my tears.

"She is crying because Mr. Rizwan was rude to her" Farah announced.

"It was my fault" I said. "I wasn't paying attention".

"Where is your attention these days?" Farah teased.

"Shut up "I snapped.

"Just joking, its mathematics anyone's attention will wander" she said trying to lighten up the mood.


"You okay now?" Uzma asked.

I nodded. "Just give me a minute".

They both waited outside as I washed up my face and calmed my nerves. I felt good after shedding some tears. 

 "It was parent teachers meet and I was all nerves. I dreaded what Mr. Rizwan would say to my parents after my behavior in class. Though my parents were not strict in any other matter but studies were important to them. They never gave me any leniency in it. Typical Indian parents.

"So are your parents coming?" I asked Farah to take my mind off the tension.

"Do they ever?"She asked.

Farah's parents never came to any of the parent teachers meet or to any school functions. In our lifelong friendship, I had seen them only a couple of times. They were always busy, her father a business man were always on tours and her mother in parties. She had an elder sister who even drank, though it is forbidden in Islam. She didn't share any bond with anyone. They were bounded only by a family name and there was nothing else in common. Whatever Farah knew about Islam, it was through me or Uzma. It was mostly Uzma as she was the most religious one among us. She never missed any prayers whatever may be. I tried to follow as much as I could but did take leniency often.

I just gave Farah a sad smile and she returned it even more doleful. She longed for her parents. Whenever she wanted to talk to them, they always asked one question.

"How much money do you need?"

Farah finally gave up and stopped calling. Except me and Uzma there was no one in her life or so we thought.

I saw my parents' car, a black Honda city arrive at the school door. I nudged Farah and we both went to pick them.

"Salaam", my mom greeted me. I Knew dad wouldn't come as he would be busy during the day. My dad worked in a bank but unlike Farah's father he did made time for us whenever he could and I was thankful for that.

"What's the verdict?" Mom asked playfully.

I just shrugged.

"Okay, let's find out" she said walking toward my class.

Mr. Rizwan stood and greeted my mom. My tension had skyrocketed before he spoke.

"How is my daughter performing?" Mom asked.

"Here is the report" Mr. Rizwan handed it to her.

"She is doing fine in all other subjects but she needs improvement in mathematics." he said

"I know Mr. Rizwan, but we are unable to find a good tutor for her" Mom said

"I always want my kids to perform well" Mr. Rizwan responded but his next words gave me a stroke.

"If you wish, I can come teach her".

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