Next year, he heard the Mingyu was going to transfer over to the Lions (what a traitor, leaving them for SVT ugh.) He had to admit that it'd be different without Mingyu there, maybe it might be harder or possibly easier...

Baekhyun looked at everyone's faces, completely forgetting about his high-strung emotions and instead thinking back to the times he had with them.

He was feeling sentimental, even if that wasn't the last time he'd see them.

The gym they were currently in was bigger than the one at Pyojun high school. There was the 'out' line for basketball and after that, a ton more space before the walls of the gym. To be honest, it was probably double the size of their own gym.

It amazed Baekhyun to be playing in such a big gym for the finals, and it just added to the excitement he was feeling.

An addition to their team was Jongdae, who Baekhyun asked to join again because he was much help in the last game. Of course, Xiumin wanted to cut off all of his hair but Baekhyun just brushed him off and told him to stop being so mean to Jongdae.

Baekhyun looked over at Chanyeol and saw him watching people intently, wondering what he was thinking about.

Chanyeol, on the other hand, didn't focus on anything else as he looked forward.

He could only see three of the people's backs at the moment, and the numbers were:

00, 07 and 68.

He recognized the backs of their head and he looked at them, completely dazed out and not hearing anything Baekhyun had been saying.

Chanyeol guessed that Baekhyun was just saying numbers like he had been recently, and the last time the smaller said something it was the number 9. He was still trying to figure out what Baekhyun was meaning to tell him with those numbers.

The opposite team finished their cheer and they made their lineups, allowing Chanyeol a better look at their faces.

What he saw made him freeze and stiffen, his eyes trained on each of their faces.

Yifan, Luhan, and Zitao.

Chanyeol felt a wave of emotions crash over him and he clenched his fist.

Those three had previously been at their school in the basketball team with Chanyeol. But last year, they had left him to supposedly go to a 'better school'. The three had been some of his best friends, and they had left without saying so much as a goodbye.

He still had no idea why they left, and now that he saw them he was angry.

He was about to walk up to them before he felt a gentle touch on his arm and he turned to look at Baekhyun.

"Let's go," Baekhyun urged and with one look in Baekhyun's eyes, Chanyeol calmed down slightly.

He could tell that Baekhyun was slightly worried about him and so he gave Baekhyun a small smile before going to sit on the bench for the first 10-ish minutes.

The tip off was between Sehun and Kris, and the other team got the ball first.

He watched Baekhyun play, and he also watched his old friends play. He could see the difference in their playing and he decided that they did get better, but there was something in their eyes that didn't settle right with Chanyeol.

Although Luhan was still short and quick as ever, Chanyeol noticed that he analyzed things a lot more than he used to. Kris, in addition to being tall like him, was now moving lighter on his feet and not as clumsy with his moves as before. Also, he was now sporting blond hair. Tao still had that edge splitting aim that made him score twice perfectly, and Chanyeol only noticed a small difference in his dribbling.

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