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"And why do you want this job?"

"I want to save money for college."

It had been so easy to lie for such a long time. She could've told him that she needed money to get away from her bitch ass mother. But she doubted that answer would've gotten her the job. So she lied. She went home that night, her mother was asleep on the couch, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes hit her like an invisible wall. She cringed when she saw that her mother had left a half empty bottle of vodka on the coffee table. Tiptoeing across the room she took the bottle and drank. Not enough to leave a dent her mother could see but enough for her to feel warm inside. She sighed as she walked into her bedroom. Instead of doing her homework like she usually would, she checked her phone. Luke had texted her a 7 o'clock, half an hour ago.

Luke: Having a party tonight, you should come ;)

The emoticon made her feel nauseous.

Liv: Can I bring someone?

Luke: only if they aren't cuter than me. ;) 

That damn face again.

Liv: Ill be there in a bit.
Luke: Hurry baby

Liv rolled her eyes and pushed herself off her bed. She changed into a white lace crop top and a highwaisted black skater skirt. She slipped on her black vans and her black and white glasses. Skimming through her contacts she found exactly who she was looking for.

"Hello?" Niall answered from the other end.

"Hi, are your parents home?" She answered as she slowly applied red lipstick and a coat of mascara.

"Who is this?" Niall sounded confused.

"It's Olivia from upstairs."

"Prove it."

She sighed into the phone and the stomped on the floor six times, one for every letter of her name.

"Okay okay I believe you." He chuckled.

"So are your parents home?" She grinned.

"No they went out for a couple hours." Niall answered.

From the other room Liv heard her mother.

"Okay Niall just be in your room in two minutes."

Niall barely had time to say okay when she hung.

"Olivia where the hell are you?" Her mother screamed from the living room. She heard her fast steps leading to her door. She slide her window open and jumped through onto the fire escape. She ran down the steps two by two making sure she was far enough so her mother couldn't see her. Niall was sitting in his room like she had told him. She could hear her mother climbing out of her window above her. She knocked rapidly on his window. Niall jumped and ran towards the window slipping it open in one swift movement. From above, Olivia heard her mother scream.

"I'll find you, you bitch."

Liv fell into Nialls arms. He shut and locked his window.

"Was that your mum?" Nialls eyes were as wide as could be. Liv sighed and sat on his bed.

"She's normally not that bad, shes drunk." Liv said running her hand through her hair.  "God damn I forgot to do my hair. Do you have a hair straightener?"


There she was. Sitting on his bed in his room. There were dirty clothes everywhere, a couple of empty water bottles. He should've cleaned up a little.

"I think Liam left one when he went through his long hair phase." He answered jogging out of his room. "What are you doing here." He handed her the hair straightener.

"You're coming to a party with me." She answered standing up and walking into the bathroom across the hall.

Niall was more than confused. Why would she want him to go to a party with her. He was a loser. And they weren't even friends. He sat on the bed trying to figure our a reason for all of this to be happening. Was she here because Luke wanted to prank Niall? Did Luke know he was in love with her and wanted to give him false hope? He couldn't quite find there right explanation. She came back 15 minutes later with the cord wrapped around the straightener.

"Are you going like that?" Liv asked, not in a rude way, just as a question.

"I'm not going." He said looking down at his lap.

"What why not." She sat beside him. She sat so close her thigh was touching his.

"I don't think its a good idea."

"Please Niall come with me." She pleaded, and rested her hand on his leg. His heartbeat quickened. He had to keep reminding himself nothing was gonna happen, she has a boyfriend. And he was a loser.

"I don't think its a good idea, if I walk into that party with you. Word will get around and Luke will beat the shit out of me." He ran his hand over his face, then rested them on his legs, so closer he her hand.

"Luke doesn't matter anymore. He won't hurt you I promise." She slowly moved her hand over and wrapped it around his. "Please come with me tonight."

"Why do you want me to come so badly?" He asked. She stopped and thought. There were so many different reasons, and they all went with backstories. She decided to go from the easiest one.

"It's at Lukes house, and a couple of days ago I found out he doesn't really love me, hes just trying to get in my pants. So when i'm there and I tell him i'm not going any further then kissing, he's gonna find another girl and fuck her, Claire will be passes out, Harry will be in a circle of girls and Louis isn't even going to show up, Zayn is out of town for the week and finally Michael will be eating. I don't want to be alone." She moved her hand away and placed them in her lap.

He smiled at her and got up. "What should I wear?" He grinned. A wide smile spread across her face.


"Okay, lets go simple with..." She ran towards his closet and pulled out a plain blue shirt and a pair of khakis. "This."

Across the room Niall shrugged. "Do you have hair gel?" He nodded, pulling his old shirt over his head. Olivia took the chance and glanced at his stomach. He was fit alright. She bit her lip, unable to look away. When his old shirt fell to the ground her head shot up. Niall was standing there with a smirk plastered on his face.

"It's in the bathroom under the sink." He said.

Liv quickly cleared her throat and walked past him, handing him the shirt. "Don't put that on yet." She whispered then walked away. Then something clicked, she turned quickly and saw him starring at her. "Because it might drip." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm not making this any better for myself." She whispered as Niall laughed quietly.

She came back with the hair gel and instructed Niall to sit on his bed. She stood in between his legs and fluffed his hair, making him look extra stunning. She stepped back and wiped her hands on her legs. "There, know when you put your shirt on don't mess it up."

He nodded his head and turned around to grab his shirt. Liv wasn't usually the drooly type, but Nialls back muscles just looked so amazing. She swallowed the lump in her throat and turned around.

"Ready to go?" He asked grabbing his keys. She nodded smiling.

Everything was going to go perfect.

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