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She tried her best to act like nothing had happened. Although she had been late to class, her teacher didn't say a word. She had entered the room while Calum Hood was presenting his project. Everyone had turned and stared at her.

"I was in the bathroom." She mumbled keeping her head low.  The class resumed. Instead of listening, Olivia started planning, if Luke wanted to mess with her, she would hit back, hard.

Olivia had strong feelings for Luke. She had always thought that he had loved her like he always said.  All those days they had spent together, watching Netflix, at the beach, even just laying in the grass in the back yard. 10 months of lies.

How could I actually think I'd changed him.

She felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket, she pulled it out and read the message.

Luke: Are you coming?

Olivia: No, go ahead and leave.

Luke: Are you okay baby.

Olivia: I'm fine just stop texting me I'm in class.

She shut her phone off completely because she knew Luke would keep texting her.

It was all a game.

Oh my god how could you be so stupid.

Uh, i totally knew all along.

You're so dumb to think he actually liked you.

So many different thoughts we're swimming through her head. She sat in the back of the class and picked off her nail polish.


He had watched her enough to realize when something was wrong. She never hung her head like she had when she entered the class. She never sat at the back of the room. She never sat alone. Why would today be any different? Then he remembered seeing her try to sneak out last minute. Why was she here then?

The bell rang and he sighed. He'd figure out next class.

He entered his final class of the day. He knew where she always sat. Everyone sat in the same spot every day. He took the seat beside hers, even though he wasn't going to talk to her. He was too nervous to even sit beside her. She entered moments later and eyed Niall, then the empty seats at the back of the room, as if she was weighing her options. Eventually, she sat beside him and ran a hand through her hair.

He'd wished he had something to start a conversation. Something other than Luke. But that's all they had in common.

He sat and listened and daydreamed and imagined different possibilities of starting a conversation. Then he imagined what it would be like to be able to talk freely to her.

He decided that tomorrow he would talk to her. Even if it were just a sentence or two. At least that would let her know there was someone to talk to.


Of all the days she could find out about Luke, it had to be a Wednesday, right dead center of the week. I mean yes it's better than a Monday but why couldn't Luke have revealed himself on Friday.

Liv rolled out of bed. She rubbed her face and sighed. "I'm not dressing up today." She mumbled. Across the room, she eyed her galaxy sweats. As she slipped them on she reached her favorite tank top. Her outfit consisted of her sweats, a baby blue bandeau under a white Too dumb for New York, Too ugly for L.A  tank top. She unplugged her phone from her charger and quickly ran a brush through her wavy hair. She slipped on her emoji socks and black vans.

"Are you okay hun, you usually dress up a little for school." Olivia's mom had never seen her wear sweatpants to school, ever. Olivia ran her hand through her hair as she waited for Luke to pull into her driveway, just like every other day. She had to act like nothing had changed. He pulled in and beeped his horn. She rolled her eyes and put on a smile. She hopped into the passenger seat and pecked his cheek.

"Everything okay babe? You never wear sweats." He said glancing at her.

She giggled lightly but felt like throwing up. "Yeah I'm just a little sore baby."

"How come," He switched gears glancing at her again.

"Well," She bit her lip and rested her hand on his thigh. "I got a new toy yesterday, I wanted to try it out, I got a little too rough."

Luke's cheeks changed to a light shade of pink, his pants got noticeably tighter.

"R-really." He gulped and pulled into the school parking lot.

"Mhm." She winked and kissed his neck lightly. Liv then opened her door and stepped outside. Gagging slightly then shook her head.


He watched as she got out of Luke car. She looked like she gagged. What the hell happened in there. They made eye contact, she smiled lightly then looked back at Luke who was getting out of the drivers side. They made their way side by side into the school.

"Hey, Niall!" Tina screeched behind him. He cringed but not noticeably. 

"Hi, Tina." He turned slowly.

"So, a little body  told me you like someone." She winked at him.

He scratched the back of his neck. "Uh yeah, I... I guess I do."

"Well," She twirled her hair around her finger. She began to get closer so Niall could hear her whisper. "I like you too." She then wrapped her hand around the back of his neck and kissed him with all the passion she could muster. His eyes were wide and he tried to pull away. She finally let him go.

"See you later, lover." She winked once more and she ran to join her friends.

Niall found his friends. "Okay, which one of you told Tina." He yelled not caring if anyone heard.

Ashton slowly raised his hand.

"God dammit Ash, you weren't supposed to tell Tina, now I have no chance with Olivia,"

"She has a boyfriend." Cara smirked.

"I know that, but yesterday she was acting weird, I think her and Luke are going to break up. I'm gonna ask her about it later in Math." Niall ran his hand through his hair.

"No don't dude, wait till she talks to you." Calum pitched in.

"Whatever" Niall rolled his eyes and walked away.

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