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Niall sat at the back of the room tapping his pen against the desk. He felt a kick at the back of his chair. He stopped.

He glanced at the back of her head one more time. She was always on his mind. Everything about her was perfect, her hair was in waves falling loosely around her face, her glasses on the edge of her nose as she starred intently at her sheet. Yes she was bigger but she held her self together, she didn't care what others thought.

Or maybe she did, but she just didn't show it.

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. Niall tossed his pen in his bag and got up from his desk.

"Finished already Mr. Horan?" Mr. Drake asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, sir." Niall answered, shoving his hands in his pockets. He turned and strutted back to his seat. He saw her look up for a brief moment, he wanted to grab her attention and keep it. He'd ask her about her apartment (right above his) and if her mom was actually as stubborn as she sounds though the floor boards. She pushed her glasses higher up unto her nose and pursed her lips. She starred as he passed her desk.


That little ass. Of course he's done already. He probably spent all his free time studying.

She pushed all other thoughts aside. Why hadn't she studied. Her mom had told her this test determined her summer plans.

"You can't get anything less than a B" She had said. But Liv had decided to sneak out instead of studying.

He slowed his pace when he was by her desk. Every single time. She looked up at him and pushed her glasses up her nose. When he finally got to his seat she glanced around the room. She was on her very last question. She looked over at her friend.

"Harry." She talked in such a low whisper she barely heard herself.

Harry looked over at her and rolled his eyes holding up 2 fingers. She quickly shaded in the little bubble with the B in it and stood from her desk.

"Did you have any troubles?" Mr. Drake didn't even lift his head from his desk.

"No sir." She rolled her eyes and walked back to her desk, swaying her hip a little bit more than usual just for Nialls sake.


The bell rang throughout the school. Student after student rushed through the halls to get their favorite cafeteria tables. Liv had detention, once again. Harry walked behind her until they found Louis sitting outside of the doors waiting for them. When they came into view, Louis got up from the floor.

"Detention is in the cafeteria today, I think they are trying this new public humiliation thing to try and stop us from being assholes." He said, stuffing his phone in his back pocket. Olivia shrugged, an started walking to the cafeteria.

"So have you heard?" Olivia's best friend Claire slipped her arm over her shoulder.

"What Mrs. Young is hooking up with a student." Olivia asked, looking up from her game of colour switch.

"No Liv, there's this anonymous account on Ask.Fm, someone asked them if they liked anyone and they said they're in love with you!" Claire said stopping and standing in front of her.

Olivia raised her eyebrows. "It was probably a joke, even if it wasn't he's probably creepy as hell."

"Or she." Claire added.

Liv nodded slowly, "I'm down."

They arrived at the doors and they waited for Harry and Louis, who had strayed behind to talk to a couple of blondes.

Liv scanned the room, she saw Luke standing in the corner talking to Zayn. She grinned wildly as she hurried to meet her boyfriend.

"Hi Lukey." She smiled widely as the blonde boy leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"How was class babe." He asked, leaning against the wall, Liv took a seat and the closet table and crossed her legs.

"It was fine, my history test was kinda hard though."

"You did good though right?" Luke started to panic. He also knew what her mother had told her. And her plans for the summer mostly involved Luke. Luke fucking her, at least that's what he planned. And that's all he wanted. He wouldn't ever admit that. Oh god no. She would be another Fuck-and-Chuck situation, but with a little more work.


"So how was it?" Liam asked as Niall sat down beside him.

"Totally aced it." Niall said with a mouth full. 

"Hey, have you talked to Tina yet?" Ashton nudged him.

Niall scratched the back of his neck. He had told his pals that he had feelings for someone, but he didn't want to seem stupid for liking Olivia, so he had blurted out Tina. She was real however, they had history and geometry together.

"Nah, I don't think i'm going to." Niall shot out as fast as he could. The guys gave him weird looks as he cringed inside.

For the rest of lunch Niall tried his best to sit still. Maybe if he was still enough, the boys wouldnt see him, and they wouldn't ask questions, and he wouldn't have to lie. He happened to glance over at the detention kids. He scanned through them and stopped at Olivia.

God she's beautiful.

He watched for a minute, then noticed Luke Hemmings had his arm slung around her shoulder. Out of any guy in the school Liv had to pick him. Why, why couldn't she have dated her best friend Harry.

Niall and Luke had once been best friends. Not to long ago actually. Back in middle school they made a pact to never leave each other side. But the moment Luke walked through that door everybody loved him. Niall had stayed with their original group, whilst Luke ran off and became the most popular boy in school.

Niall didn't pay much attention to him. He tried to focus on things that really matter. Like Olivia.


"Do you wanna skip last period with me?" Luke whispered in her ear. Olivia weighed her options. She could either

A) Stay at school for 2 more hours and do nothing.


B) go home with Luke and make out.

She obviously choose the latter. The minute the first bell rang she raced out the door. Lukes car was parked around the side of the school.

"Michael I don't care what you want to do, i'm bringing Liv back to my house and i'm gonna bang her." Olivia pressed her back against the wall. "Micheal you knew that was the plan all along, she was just being difficult this whole time, I'm gonna break up with her tomorrow so you can take her."

Liv felt a lump in her throat. She checked her phone. 5 minutes before the late bell rang. She ran back into the school.

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