Chapter 11 alone and cold

Start from the beginning

Frost Avalanche.....

Many grineer freeze and then snap to death I then start running down the hall with volt prime at my side we start to see two hellions walk down

Thril:I'm guessing you came for your warframe friend?

Frenkus:it's already to late

A third steps into the room it's a green and red ash

Ash??:Frost I'm fine buddy don't worry surrender and the grineer will help us know....your really annoying and I just met you. ICE WAVE

The two hellions seem to disappear I look behind me and volt prime blocked one from hitting me in the back of my head the second and ash jumped backwords

Frenkus:???!!! ARE YOU FASTER THEN ME!?

Volt prime punches him in the face with an electric aftershock

Volt prime:let's find out

Thril:Ash you fight this one I'm helping brother

Volt prime then falls back into the room with rhino and banshee prime.

Ash??:just surrender friend

Frost:....your not the same man the heat signature is off you natural body temperature is a lot colder then his..

Ash??:I'm just cold that's all

I walk up to the ash I make my fist an ice spike have ten seconds to tell me where he is or I will break you....

Ash??:That's how it is?

He breaks my ice spike with his hidden blade

Ash??:Well come on man I didn't want to bring it this but come on!

Frost:(this is an ash I'll have to be careful about what I do because ash is a fast warframe..)

Ash:well buddy your move.

Frost:(I need to a plan to put him down as fast as possible...)

Ash:Are you stalling for time now?

Frost:(got it)

I jump and pull out my dark dagger I jab at him but he grabs it

Ash:you have to be faster then that!


I freeze the knife onto his hand


I rip the knife out with that I take his hand too


I then leap up to stab him in the head he then teleports



I freeze him and he gets stuck in a huge ice sphere but I can move around in it he can't, I lift the knife


Then thril gets punched into the ice sphere breaking it and turning it to slush then ash gets up


He shoots me in the chest with a marelok pistol


Ash:does it hurt!

Frost..I'll never give you the pleasure of hearing me in pain.

Banshee prime:enough


Banshee prime then takes her lancera and rams it through ashs body

Banshee prime:now split.

She then pulls the sword through both his left and right thigh


Banshee prime:....where is your creator?.....

Ash:I am the original ash



I freeze thril

Banshee prime:many fools..

volt prime walks in with Frenkus Knocked out In his hand

Volt prime:wells I don't think this one should be a problem.

Ash:I'm the original.

I walk over and freeze his shoulders down

Frost:....I will break you....tell me....

Ash:.....I was created not care what happens to me

Frost....well this one going to die...

I walk up to him and freeze his head. Rhino prime walks in with blood all over him

Rhino prime:you guys got him?!

Banshee prime:they had a distraction.

Frost:let search around......

Banshee prime:hold on



Frost:(my hearing sensor!)

Banshee prime:this way..

Frost:what did yo..

Volt prime:she sent sounds waves and found the location.

We follow banshee prime to a room in the top of the factory

Banshee prime: he should be behind this door

Rhino prime:okay 3...2....1

He punts the door down and we see an prosecutor

Prosecutor:Hello tenno.

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