Chapter 18: The Not so Rad Wish

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I open my eyes to see we are still in Happy Go Music.

"Why are we still here?" Jane ask looking at me with displease.

"I don't know? Let's try again," I say.

I close my eyes, "Take Jane, Martha, Erik, and I back to the Opera Populaire."

I open my eyes and see we are still here.

"It's not working?" Erik ask squeezing my hand.

"Yes, I'm sorry. Maybe we can try later tonight?" I say to him disappointed.

"It's ok. I'm not mad," Erik says rubbing my shoulder.

"Excuse me, but can someone tell me what is going on?" I look to see Johnny looking at us like we are freaks.

"We are doing a play later today and we needed to practice that scene before we go," Jane says smiling at Johnny.

"Oh! That makes sense. I was all confuse!" Johnny says laughing.

"Yeah," I say laughing but mostly a relief laugh.

"I guess we need to go and get ready for show time," Jane says.

"See you later Johnny," I say walking out the door with Erik.

"What are these? I saw them on my way here?" Erik ask walking around my red car.

"It's a car." I unlock my car and Erik jumps.

"What did you just do?" Erik ask peeping in the widows.

"I unlocked it. Get in," I say opening the door for him. He gets in and rubs the leather seats.

"Wow! The feeling of this seat is nice!"

"Thank you," I say getting in and putting the key in ignition. My music starts playing.

"Woah!" Erik looks looking at the radio.

"I know right. Good music!" I say nodding my head.

I see Jane and Martha running out the door and smiling like they just got paid.

I roll down the window to see what they are all excited about.

"Guess what!" Jane giddily says.

"What?" I ask her.

"I got Johnny's number!"

"No way! That's awesome!" I say.

"Yes, it's true," Jane says getting in the shotgun seat.

"I wanted that seat!" Martha says still outside of my car.

"Get in, it is not the end of the world," Jane says adding the number to her phone.

Martha gets in not so happy and grunts her anger out. I see Erik scoot away from her in the rear view mirror. I just smile.

"What should we do?" Jane ask looking out my window while I drive.

"I think we should go shopping," I say getting on interstate to the mall.

"Why? We need to get Erik back home and the only person who knows what might have happened back at Happy Go Music is your grandma," Jane says looking at me.

"Because, I told my mom that I would be back at night and if I show up early, she will think something is wrong. Trust me, I know," I say keeping my eye on the road.

"I don't think you told us this story," Martha chimes in.

"Remember that one time I came over to your house to hang out and decided not to stay for dinner?"

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