Chapter 8: Forgetting Names

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"Ok ladies let's-" Madame Giry is cut off from Jane's burp. My eyes grow wide and I put my hand over my mouth to cover it from my laughing.

"Well, I see we have two ladies that are ill mannered," Madame Giry says looking at me, then to Jane. I can see Martha shaking her head back and forth. I am guessing she wishes she had better friends at this very moment.

"Are we going to start the dance right off or do you want our Prima Donna to sing first and then you come in and dance?" Monsieur Reyer ask.

"I'm sorry, our Prima Donna isn't here today. Maybe tomorrow we can do that?" Madame Giry says looking into Monsieur Reyer eyes like she did back in the room where we changed into the ballerina clothes.

"Very well. We'll do that tomorrow," Monsieur Reyer says walking off to the side of the stage and into the Orchestra pit. Prima Donna, Prima Donna, Prima- CARLOTTA!! My eyes look straight to my friends, but they don't seem to think about the Prima Donna.

"It's not like Carlotta can sing. So, don't think she is some great singer," Meg says making me leave my trance.

"Oh, yes. I know." I say playing with my necklace.

"How do you know? You just got here?" Meg says turning her head sideways like a dog. Shoot! What do I say! What do I say?

"You see, my friends and I live in Paris and we always hear people talking about how she sings," I say proud of my story I just made up on the spot (but I feel bad for lying).

"Oh! That makes sense!"

With me still playing with my necklace, I didn't even notice Madame Giry came over to me and put a hand out.

"What?" I say looking at her hand. She just raises her eyebrows at me. Just speak what you want to say! I look at her hand again and a light bulb went off. I know what she wants! A high five! I looked at her hand again and give her a high five.

"I don't want your hand touching my hand! I want your necklace!" She says angrily.

"No. My grandma gave this to me. Don't you know how much this means to me?"

'And also my friends and I's way home?' I say in my head. I look at Meg and she is not even acknowledging what is happening between her mother and me.

"I will not take no for an answer. Now give it to me," she says.

"Fine!" I say unhooking the necklace from the back and putting it into her brutal hand. She snatches it away and holds it in front of her face.

"You'll learn to listen to me or you'll never get this necklace back. Ever," Madame Giry says with a booming loud voice.

"Je suis désolé Madame," I say looking far away from her point of view. I felt hot tears forming but I'll never cry in front of her. She'll never see me cry. While she does an hmmm sound, she goes to the front of the stage and taps her cane.

"Let's begin. Monsieur Reyer are you ready?" Madame Giry ask tapping her foot.

"Yes we are."

We dance and we dance and we dance for what seems like an eternity. Our toes are pointy and our arms high. I feel blisters the size of Florida on the sides of my feet.

Finally, Madame Giry taps her cane again. We all look at her with some sort of fear. "Good job ladies. In another few days we will be ready. For now, it's time to go to sleep. Bonne nuit." She slams her cane down and leaves the stage.

"Thank goodness that is over," I say wiping sweat from my forehead.

"We will have to do it all over again tomorrow," Meg says walking toward Christine.

I start to stretch on stage while everyone leaves, except for my friends. I see my friends coming over to where I am.

"Claudia, we're sorry if what we said seemed mean to you," Jane says twirling her thumbs.

"It's just, when are we ever going to be in a world like this ever again?" Martha ask looking around the stage and into the seats, which were like the color of red velvet cake.

"Do you forgive us?" They both ask in unison.

"Yes," I say getting up from stretching to hug my friends.

"We are deeply sorry," Jane says squeezing harder.

"I know you are. I'm just afraid we will forget everything and start to think this is our home," I say.

Jane is the one that breaks up the hug. She looks me in the eyes and says, "Now, we need a plan to get your ring back!"

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