Chapter 11: The Diva

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The days leading up to opening night of Hannibal went fast like a tornado. Learning the dance steps was a struggle, but I made it through it. Jane, Martha, and I decided between those days we would get my ring back after Hannibal ends because Madame Giry would most likely be busy with the ballerinas and the press. We also decided to write down important events from The Phantom of the Opera (that we could remember of) on a piece of paper that we stole from the Prima Donna room.

"Come on Claudia! It is our last day of rehearsals and the opening night of Hannibal!" Meg says grabbing my hand and lugging me to the stage.

Walking (really running) to the stage Meg decides to pop me a question, "How are things with you and Delmar going?"

"Good. We've been spending time with each other everyday."

"Génial!" Meg says.

The stage is crowded with set pieces, dancers, musicians, and singers. Soaking all this in I didn't realize that Carlotta was beside me and I accidentally bump into her causing her to spill her drink.

"Toad! Watch where you are going!" Carlotta says with her thick Italian accent.

"I wouldn't say such things. They might come and haunt you later," I say remembering Carlotta's croak in Il Muto. She looks at me, mouth open ready to say something, but changes her mind. She walks away from us to go talk to Ubaldo Piangi.

"You told her!" Meg says jumping up and down.

Christine, Jane, and Martha finally decides to show up. They come over to us to have a little chat before rehearsals start.

"Did you hear that Monsieur Lefevre might be retiring?" Christine ask us.

"I know! He probably makes a fortune here, but I don't know why he would be leaving." Meg nods her head agreeing with Christine.

"Oh, he is leaving," Jane says. I look at her and mouthed, "what did you just do!"

"How do you know that?" Christine ask turning her head to one side.

"I overheard Monsieur Reyer talking to Monsieur Lefevre. He said he wishes he can stay, but something came up and he can't take care of the Opera anymore," Jane says breathing a sigh of relief. I did the same and I think did Martha too.

"Interesting," Christine says looking at Monsieur Reyer in the Orchestra pit.

"Excuse me," Monsieur Delmar says walking on the stage.

"What is it now? I am about to sing!" Carlotta says yelling at Monsieur Delmar.

"It's not like anyone wants to hear you sing," Jane whispers to us. We look at her and start laughing. I am laughing so hard that I snort.

"What is so funny?" Carlotta ask with her hands on her hips.

"Nothing," I say flipping my hair back.

Monsieur Lefevre suddenly walks on the stage. Everyone is looking at him and all of us (except Jane, Martha, and I because this is one detail we remember) wanting to know if he is really retiring.

"Monsieur Reyer, Madame Giry, Ladies and gentlemen, please, if I could have your attention, thank you. As you know, for some weeks there have been rumors of my imminent retirement. I can now tell you that these are all true. And it is my pleasure to introduce you to the two gentlemen who now own the Opera Populaire: Monsieur Richard Firmin and Monsieur Gilles Andre. I'm sure you have read of their recent fortune in the junk business," Monsieur Lefevre says getting a lot of gasps from everyone.

"Ha! I knew it!" I overhear Carlotta say to Ubaldo Piangi.

"Ummm, you mean scrap metal," Monsieur Andre says looking obviously irritated.

"Well, I'll be on my way. I wish you both luck," Monsieur Lefevre says walking off the stage.

"Hello everyone! We are pleased to be your managers and happy to see your production of Hannibal," Monsieur Andre says. Carlotta had to go up to the new managers and introduce herself. She put her hand out for them to kiss it. I roll my eyes.

"We already heard of you, Signora Carlotta Giudicelli, leading soprano for five seasons," Monsieur Firmin says kissing her hand.

"Can't wait to hear you sing tonight," Monsieur Andre says smiling at Carlotta.

"Why not hear me sing now, so you don't have to wait," Carlotta says.

"Monsieur Reyer, isn't there a rather marvelous aria for Elissa in Act. 3 of Hannibal?" Monsieur Reyer ask.

"Yes, Yes, But, NO! Coz' I 'ave not my costume for Act. 3, Coz' someone not finish it! But, if my managers command! Monsieur Reyer?" Carlotta says with her thick accent and I bet most people couldn't make out what she said.

"If my diva commands," Monsieur Reyer says getting everyone ready in the Orchestra pit.

"Yes, I do," Carlotta says about to sing.

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