Chapter 6: Dancing? In the Opera?

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"Hello! My name is Jane and these are my friends!" Jane says bringing up her arm to introduce us.

"I don't need to know your names. I just want you all to go and practice the dancing routine," the older woman says looking deep into our eyes.

"Ok ma'am!" Jane says saluting the woman.

"That is no way to greet an adult!" The woman says.

"Yeah it is. I said 'ok ma'am'. I could have said ok sir!" Jane says walking out of the room.

"Excuse our friend," Martha says walking out of the room and me following right behind her.

"You stay back," says the woman slamming her cane down. I turn around to see her staring right at me.

"Go on. She'll meet up with you later," she says looking at my friends. They looked at me and leave. I turn around to face the woman. Her eyes are cold as ice, I feel like she knows everything about me, even the things I don't even know.

"I didn't know I was getting new ballerinas," she says looking at me while I look away. I didn't know what to say. I can't say we are from the future, that will only make matters worse. Think Claudia, think!

"We heard around town that the Opera was looking for new ballerinas. So, my friends and I came here to be that," I say.

"Well, do you and your friends have experience?" The woman says tapping her finger on her cane. She looks familiar, but I just can't quite put my finger on it.

"Yes! We are dancing legends from our home town," I say lying.

"Very well. Come let's go practice," the woman says walking out the door and me following behind her.

We walk down the hallway and I want to know one question from her. What is her name? I need to know, but I'm scared she'll yell at me. I finally get the nerves to ask her.

"I never got your name," I say.

"Madame Giry."

My eyes go wide. Why didn't my friends and I remember Madame Giry? Are we losing our memories? Or-

"Come on child. You're holding up the whole opera!"

"I'm coming. My thoughts are blocking my mind from reality," I say walking faster to catch up with her.

"What is that around your neck?" She says pointing at the ruby ring my Grandma gave to me. I put my hand up to my ring and say, "Oh it is nothing. Just a plastic ring my Grandma gave to me," (but in reality, it wasn't plastic at all. It is all real).

"What do you mean? Plastic ring?"

"Just a slang term for fake and not the real thing," I say breathing heavily.


"Yeah. What about it?" Oh my gosh! No wonder she doesn't get what I'm saying! This is the past and not the future!

"I'm just going to ignore it," she says walking a lot faster now.

We get to the stage, singers and dancers are talking and warming up their voices or their legs. My eyes scan the room looking for my friends, but I can't seem to find them. I look up to see a man working on the sets. I guess he does the backdrops and stuff like that.

"Bonjour!" Someone says behind me. I whip around to see a girl with tight blonde curls in ballerina clothes just like me.

"Hi," I say waving. Her eyes aren't on me, but on my ring.

"What a beautiful sight before my eyes," she says reaching for my ring. She plays with it between her fingers. I hear a snap and look to see Madame Giry in front of the stage.

"We are ready to start! Girls! Get lined up and get ready to practice our routine for the play in about a weeks time," she says walking to the side of the stage.

"Let's go!" Says the girl with tight blonde curls. She grabs my hand and drags me to the center of the stage.


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