Chillax! I'll stop. But, just saying.  She says with a teasing tone.

I was about to reply until Death came back through the doors. Everyone stopped, all heads snapping towards him. Death smiled.

"Children. Today is a good day. I would like you all to be nice and comforting, to your new sibling. Don't be afraid, come in."

He turned around and hand-motioned at the door. We all sat up straight, leaning forward to get a better look.

A blond with a hint of electric blue highlights about my age came through the doors. He looked to be about near six feet.

"Welcome, Frostbite. Your new demon-like brother."

I leaned back in my seat, looking down with my arms placed on the armchair. I heard some say "Hi", "Welcome", and then "Wassup brotha!" I snorted at that. For sure that's definitely Jack.

Lookie here! See Driana? It's a boy! Kristel said happily in triumph.

I continued to look down.

Yeah, yeah. Be happy Krissy. I sighed.

"Now, now, children. I know, you all remember how it was like your first day here in the castle. Scared, nervous, and out of place. Here, I want you all not to make Frostbite feel that way. So kindly, bring great hospitality towards him."

A chorus of "Yes" and "Okay" came. I was still quiet. I always am. I guess I'm not used to this anymore, getting guests and all.

I mean, it's not that bad but whenever there are new people around I close in or avoid them when I can. Of course, I haven't been around new faces, well besides people who knew Death, in like some hundred years. I don't wanna be rude so I guess I'll just be nice, and warming to our new sibling. Shy at first, crazy in the end. I like his name though, Frostbite.

We also get those kind of "code" names. Actually, it's our decision if we want it or not. I'm actually surprised that this boy chose the code name rather than his actual name. I understand and agree if I don't want anyone searching for my background history.

"Let's enjoy breakfast now, shall we?" He gestures us to eat.

We all ate, of course everyone was seriously hungry. Even through the sounds of eating utensils, I heard Death say something to Frostbite.

"Frostbite, you'll be sitting across from Driana. The girl with black hair. Don't mistaken Kellin, he's a boy not a girl."

I froze, eyes wide. Dammit. I looked at Kristel who mouthed "I told you so" and munched on a bacon. I sighed. I'm not really the person who's enjoying this situation much. Frostbite slowly walked over to his seat. I kept my head low, hair covering my face while eating some toast. I flicked my eyes over to him, which he didn't notice.

His hair is incredible. Whenever he moves his head, light blue would show, even if he is blond.

"Oi!" I heard someone yell.

I flinched with wide eyes, dropping my toast on my lap. I picked my head up to see whoever called and was now laughing at me. Jaime and, of course he had to drag in the turtle.

"Give me a break will you Jaime?" I sighed, taking the toast off my lap and onto the plate.

"Mahn! You looked like the Ring." He said face red.

"Should've seen your eyes though! Like a man on crack!" Tony added.

Everyone laughed, and I rolled my eyes and finished my toast. I forgot Frostbite was here and put my head back down, slowly eating bacon.

Psst!  I heard someone say.

Yes Justin?

Uhm- He sighed.

Take your time Jus, you could tell me. I told him, picking my head up and looking at him.

Justin was across the table, five seats away. His face was red. I wonder what's up with him.

Okay, just meet me in my room- or no in Asporl Roygize?

Sure. No problem. I smiled at him.

He nodded in reply and slightly smiled. He went back to chatting and I went back to eating. I wonder what he's gonna tell me. I drank my apple juice. And yes it is a juice box.

What's Justin gonna tell me? I hope it's not the mentioning of the incident two or three years back. We decided not to speak about it.

I looked at Frostbite, he was wearing a suit, the tie being velvet. Funny how we use suits and dresses on our first day here right? The suit was black, of course, that's how our feelings are anyways. We wear a suit or dress on the first day, for good impression.

I don't know who decided this but I'll break their bones when I meet them.

I finished eating, sometimes I am the first to do so. I got up which no one minded, pushed in my seat, and walked towards where Death was sitting in thought. I lightly bowed my head which he replied by waving his hand, signaling I'm free to go.

I speed walked, seeing Jack's nose bleeding. No wonder why. I felt a pair of eyes on me. I didn't look back. This shirt I swear. As I left the dining hall, I used my senses and heard someone walking out from the dining hall as well. I didn't know who it was, not my business.

I went up to the 1st floor and slipped into the passageway. I didn't like going through the big doors. This passage leads to the undergrounds to the outside of the castle. Just not too far away. Though still inside the gates so at least we are protected inside.

The undergrounds just look like burrows, but more clean with forever flaming torches on the side. There's no rats or bug insects here so that's good. It's easy to get lost, of course. But there are only three trails leading out anyways.

I saw the trap door from above and sighed. I climbed up the built in ladder and pushed the trap door open. It made those rusty sounds, squeaky ones. I pulled myself up and closed it.

I'm really stupid for forgetting it was snowing. I growled and moved on. Luckily Asporl Roygize isn't too far since I came out from the trap door leading to the outside.

I reached the familiar woods that created a pathway into Asporl Roygize  or, a garden. This garden is bright actually. You'd see the beautiful roses and ivy growing on the trees. Two benches inside a big beautiful gazebo.

There was also a white colored fountain, which isn't functioning due to snow. The statues are a boy and a Siberian Husky. The boy wore a cap and a jumper, holding a ball in the air for the dog to play fetch. If it wasn't snowing, the flowers would show. The flowers are all sorts, except their colors are dark themed.

I heard some footsteps and somewhat being the paranoid type, I used my telekinesis, crushing whoever was behind me. I slowly turned around, my mouth dropping.

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