Chapter 1

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Castle of Death hidden far away in the forest, near to the top of the mountain. No mortal has ever seen the Castle of Death. It is far and hidden from any signs of human contact. Animals have roamed around but not so near the castle. The place itself has actual beauty in the inside, but the outside itself was just what you would expect. Stone bricks with moss and ivy growing. Its pathway being a stone arch bridge, alongside were metallic torches leading to guide. Under the bridge was a river, connecting to a pure blue beautiful lake.

A large black metal gate stood front of the bridge, gate sign that read "Astlec fo Death" or "Castle of Death" that stood high as the entrance door. The door made of brown oak, standing at least 25 feet. The bronze knocker designed as a hand with long and sharp fingernails. An ornate brass knob. Black window panes, the glass saturated with light green and clear. A few of the window muntin were designed with swirls. Special cursed gates surrounded the castle.

Those special gates help the castle to be hidden, or camouflage. To the human eyes they see nothing. But to the others, it is not "nothing" but their "home" as they call it. The castle is actually beautiful in the sunlight, but eerie in the dark night. This is where The Grim Reaper lives. Along with his so called "children".


It's mid-winter, snowflakes falling down covering the tall trees and ground. A snow owl soars high, swooping down and perching itself on the ledge of the castle's rooftop. Silence is all that is heard through the halls, as if nobody is here. It was only 4:47 A.M.

"My, my, my." No doubt, that voice belonged to Death.

Death opened the balcony doors, letting cold wind in, causing the gray curtains to move wildly. The snow owl hooted and landed on the banister of the enormous balcony, flapping its wings. Death sighed in relief and walked out into the cold, towards the owl. You'd think that the creature is normal, but it isn't. The owl's eyes flashed the color red before turning back to its original color. It hooted again and raised one of its talents towards Death. On its talent, a black ribboned scroll.

Death smiled, taking the scroll and unscrolling it. He hummed and nodded his head while reading. As he finished, he rolled it up and folded his hands behind his back along with the scroll. He paced back and forth while the owl watched. It was almost morning, the dark sky nearing a light shade of blue. Death stopped pacing.

"I have 'stuff' to deal with." Death said, air quoting.

The owl kept quiet, staring at Death and listened.

"Such a busy schedule must I say. Where, especially there are specific days I must voyage in the beyond. The difficulty in this schedule I have. This is not good, not good at all. I cannot simply go reap, travel, and have meetings the same time in one day. I know I've done this for long, but I'm getting bored of this.

"Rubbish I tell thee! Not played fair. But when has the dead, or living ever play fair? I've been stressed out, thus I must get things done. 'Tis not like I am getting old. Funny to me that is. But, as for the following years to arrive and pass, it's starting to get hard. Since I am recruiting new ones. How will I ever?"

As he finished, the owl's eyes flashed a dark neon blue, hooting loudly and flapping its wings. Death was visibly shocked, as he has never seen the owl act out like this before. He stared down at it, wondering why it had snapped thinking he doesn't know anything in the world. Then, it clicked in his head.

"You are most surely right, sir! Yes, clever creature you are. Very clearly clever. How must I be so blind? I thank thee, for this thoughtful suggestion, sir. Hm, I am lacking few knowledge of them, as they are somewhere in this castle? Though I am quite unsure, since I am not obviously the most sociable. Especially that they and I, have rarely spoken."

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