A thingy I was tagged in

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*a little disclaimer this is not nalu or a fanfic so if that's what you're hoping for move along my guy*

Hello! So I was just tagged for a thing by the lovely @Bellaboo0904  (go check her out) and from what I understand I get to tell anyone who cares a little about myself. (I hope I'm doing this right lol)

1. I wear glasses! My vision use to be really good, but then all of a sudden it just dropped, so now I am an avid wearer of glasses.

2. I absolutely love to read and write, as you might be able to tell. My favourite part about writing my own stories are making characters.

3. I am Canadian. Eh there bud there you wanna take a rip on down to ol' Timmy's there bud (lmao I am so sorry for that)

4. I'm 15 years old, but I also have a late birthday so I'm always one of the youngest lol

5. I use to have braces. Yes I know, braces and glasses, the ultimate nerd combo

6. My favourite genre of horror is phycological horror. I find phycological and stuff think that really interesting so that genre is one of my favs.

7. I am about 5'5/5'6 so I mean idk if that's tall to you or not so I'll leave it up to you to decide

8. I'm bisexual! In the words of Hannah Montana, it's the best of both worlds am I right?

9. I am absolutely terrified of the ocean. Like I'll easily swim at an ocean beach in shallow water, but put me on a boat and drive around the ocean? NOPE. I could never go on a cruise ship, I would be way to nervous the whole time. Like what is even down there????? NO ONE KNOWS DUDE!!!! NO ONE KNOWS!!!!!!

10. I am in band and I play the trumpet! I like to think I'm alright since I've been playing for quite a few years now, but there's always room from improvement :)

Alrighty, I think that's all I'm going to do. 10 is a nice number right? So this is the part when I'm suppose to tag people, but I'll do this instead.

If you're reading this and want to do this sort of thing, I tag you! Have fun, and have a great rest of your day! (Night? Afternoon? Idk lol)

-SailorOfTheNaLuShip (Bella)

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