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     For the past 4 days, the Twins and I have had so much fun. The songs, depending on what Jarvis decided to play. We would laugh at everyone's song and when they got in. They would either laugh, hide in embarrassment, or get very angry.

     We draw on everyone's face when they're sleeping. Wanda keeps them asleep while Pietro and I use our skills to write and draw pictures. Nothing inappropriate, although it was very tempting on them. Words like "Stupid" and the Star Spangled Banner, etc. Their faces were even more funny when they wake up and yell at us. It is hysterical.

     No one knows the real reason why I do these pranks. They think it's to anger them and have fun while their upset. No. I do this because it helps soothe my ranging mind. My brain is having a war between the Avengers and HYDRA. I don't pick one because I don't trust either one of them. HYDRA turned me into a killing machine with 10 simple words that impact me. The Avengers aren't welcoming, especially Fury, so I don't like them. The Twins understand because we have the same problems, so for Prank Week, they agreed and helped me.

     I hate sleeping, so I usually sneak into Bucky's room and watch him sleep. His chest following the same pattern as his heartbeat. The rhythmic sound helping me doze off. I would walk back to my room and lay down, trying to memorize the soothing sound. It was the only thing that would keep the darkness away from my sleep. The Twins would talk to each other because they have each other, unlike me, who has nobody. I know it sounds depressing, but it's the absolute truth. I hate the truth, so I tell myself lies to mask my pain in front of the others. An occasional frown would concern Bucky and Steve, but I would dismiss the truth with the wave of my hand. It's complicated how hard it is to lie to yourself, but how the truth reveals.

     Currently, Bucky is trying to chase me, but failing. Pietro and Wanda are laughing on the sofa while I'm laughing at Buck's horrible speed. Although he was gaining on me, I was way to quick for him to come within a 5 foot radius. And it was amusing. 

      "Ro?!!! I'm gonna get you for this!!" He yells.

     I laugh and start speeding all over the tower. The Twins and I are still banned to leave the Tower which is so stupid. We're in our freaking 20's, Fury, what the hell is so alarming about that? And that's when it happens. It occurs so fast I don't realize it until it's too late. HYDRA agents crash through the windows and snatch me , because I ran towards that section.

     "Bucky! Help me! HYDRA--" I screamed before I black out from a drugged syringe.



     "Bucky! Help me! HYDRA--" I hear Rose scream. I run until Steve holds me back. Even if he didn't stop me, it was already too late. People were panicking in the Tower, screams and horror. They took her. Again. They took the only person who understood me, and loves me for what I buried below the layers of darkness. My Rose bud, picked at the peak of beauty and used for a dark purpose. I love her, more than a mega best friend. A lover. I was going to ask her out this morning, after I tickle her for drawing on my face. I could tell that my love could take away her pain and darkness, it was visible.

     I fall on my knees, burying my head in my hands. Tears trickling down my face. I could hear the Twins yelling, Wanda trying to pull Rose away, but they have a device that blocks our abilities. Pietro tries to super speed to the plane, but it was too far away for him to land on it. We have no choice but to let them take her, my precious flower.     They are going to feel my pain. They are going to find out how it feels to lose the one person you love to death. They are going to go through hell 3 times and come back out. They are going to fear the power of love, the one thing that holds a person together. And the broke the last person that chained up: Bucky Barnes.

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