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     I gasp as they pull me back up, and pushed back into the freezing water again. They're trying to convince me that Bucky did this to me. He gave me these inhuman powers. He wiped my memory. That he turned me into a soldier and an assassin.

     I hold my breath again as they drag me under. "Bucky did this to you! He turned you into a monster."

     "No! Bucky is my best friend! He would never do this to me!" I shout back.

     "Stupid girl." He smirks as he pushes my head down into the water.

     They continue to break me when I start questioning myself, caused by the lack of air. Bucky did this? He's the one who turned me into a monster? He's the reason why I'm not human anymore?

     "Bucky did this to you!" The guard yells.

     "Bucky did this to me!" I shout back in anger. He chuckles, then my guard puts me in a new cell, across from two others. They look up at the guard dragging me into my new chamber. He locks my door, and walks away, muttering something in Russian.

     A boy and a girl around my age stare back at me, trying to figure me out.

     "Hello. My name is Wanda, and this is my twin brother, Pietro. Who are you?" A voice asks in my head, as I realize it was the girl who was pointing to the boy. She has telekinetic powers too."I'm Rose. Nice to meet you." I say without actually communicating. She looks at me, surprised that I had the same power.

     "What else can you do?" She asks aloud, a hint of Sokovian in her voice.

     I stand up and run around the room in 2 seconds. I look back, and meet the boy, who was Pietro, to look back at me shocked.

     "You have super speed too?" He asks in the same Sokovian accent. I stare at him confused. He catches the hint and stands up, running around his cell as fast as the speed of light. I nod, saying,"Oh."

     We build a conversation, soon becoming best friends. We come up with superhero nicknames to give ourselves. Pietro's is Quicksilver because of his silver hair and super speed. Wanda's is the Scarlet Witch because scarlet is her favorite color and she has the powers of a witch. They name me Silver Scarlet, named after them because we posses the same powers. We laugh at our nicknames and talk about our lives. Theirs was more depressing than mine, and I look at them, sorrow in my eyes.

     I tell them my story, and they give me the same apologetic look. I wave them off, and continue talking.

     "Go to sleep, Soldier. You are now assigned a new mission starting at 0600 hours tomorrow." Says a guard.     I roll my eyes and wish the twins goodnight. They smile in return, and head off to sleep too. I fall asleep, no dreams playing in my head.

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