f o u r

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"That's easy Angel, because I'd do that for the rest of my life." I feel the whole animal kingdom in my stomach. Did he really say that? Does he really mean it?

"Why thank you, Frosty. You really know how to swoon a girl."

"I try. Especially on the ones named after my favorite flower."

"What are they, petunias?" I snort with laughter as I think of Harry Potter. The thought of Frosty with aunt Petunia is hilarious.

"No, I'm talking about Roses. I love the Angel Rose, it's my favorite one."

"Now you're teasing me." I pout. I can't keep my frown down when Frosty walks over to me while laughing and engulfs me in his huge arms. The warm, pulsing sensation in my stomach is tugging me closer to Frosty.

"Hey, why don't we go shopping today? You need clothes and I need food. I don't have to work until tomorrow, so I can have a free day with you. We can get to know each other better."

"I thought the bedroom was the perfect place to get to know each other. You know, every little detail counts." He smirks and blows a kiss my way.

"Okay, enough flirting Frosty. Let's go shopping."

I go into my room and make Frosty wait outside. "You can't come in yet. I'm changing. It means I'll be semi-naked."

"Aw. I thought you'd be naked and I could join, Angel." Heat rushes to my cheeks. I hoped he wouldn't notice, but from the wink he shoots my way, I beg to differ.

After I assure he won't come in, I look in my closet and notice my clothes are ugly. I have no clothes whatsoever. It looks like we're going to the mall today and ordering in.
I decide on a white spaghetti strapped crop top with a red rose on the side and ripped denim shorts.

As soon as I walk out, Frosty shoves me back in the room.

"What the hell was that for?"

"You are not going out like that."

"Like what?"

"Like that. You look like you're single."

"But I am?"

"Please don't go out like that. For me?" He uses the only move I can't deny: puppy dog eyes.

"Fine! Fine, just stop doing that, it's too adorable." I change into a pink crew long sleeve and black Adidas sweats. I do a twirl and put on some vans. He smiles and grabs my arm, racing out the door.

"Frosty! You passed my car!"

"We're not driving there, Angel. We're biking." I pull up in confusion next to a single rider bike.

"Uh, Frosty? Teeny problem. We both can't fit on there."

"Sure we can. You're sitting on my lap, Angel." He beams a pearly smile and pats his lap.

"Shouldn't I be behind you and wrap my arms around your waist?"

"If you sit behind me, I can't see that pretty little face of yours now can I?"

"You don't need to see my horrendous face or else you'll crash us both."

"Okay Angel, one, I would go through hell and back to see your face. Two, we both can't fit on the seat, so you have to sit on my lap. Don't worry, I don't bite."

"But you might do a whole lot of other things. Someone might even rise to the occasion." I mumble under my breath.

"What was that, Angel?"

"Nothing." I hesitantly sit on his lap. He smells of vanilla and Barbasol. He's clean and smells nice, two rare things to find nowadays. I find comfort with his arms securing me, his laughter that drowns my worries, and his happiness instantly fills the air with a positive mood. I never want to leave.

He starts pedaling down the empty street, weaving through lanes and making people upset. I hear a lot of car horns and swearing, which I can't help but laugh at. I feel his chest move as he laughs at them too.

"Frosty! You do know their upset at you, right?"

"Oh. Whatever."

I laugh at his response and catch him smiling down at me. His eyes are filled with a love that I have never seen before, but it's beautiful. This love overtakes his body and makes me never what to leave.

Rose, didn't you get dumped less than 24 hours ago? Are you really gonna get into another relationship this quick? Hoe.

I realize that where I am right now, riding a bike on Frosty's lap, isn't somewhere I am supposed to be. I mentally panic and think of how I can escape him. Luckily we were about to get into the far right lane next to the sidewalk, so without thinking, I jump off the bike and land hard on the concrete.

Frosty watches me, too fast to stop and catch me. I run towards my building and push down the burning image of Frosty's heartbroken face.

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